Blogs / team / 2011 Feb 14th - Meeting minutes

2011 Feb 14th - Meeting minutes

Friday 18 February 2011 2:23:05 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

A little longer than usual after our previous meeting, here is our Valentine's day team meeting minutes. Read on !

Date : 2011, Feb 14th.
Participants : Nicolas, Robin, Graham, Thiago, Carlos
Where : Skype 

Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Participation model around the Community Project

Work on this document has been progressing for several few weeks now. Main goal is to act as a guide to new but also long term community members, they should be able to find any relevant information within 5 clicks maximum, on how to participate in the community.
The GIT tutorial was prematurely published, the goal was to publish this shortly after publishing the participation model doc. This requires us to speed up finishing the participation doc.
Status of the doc: most of the text is now done. Suggestion from Nicolas is to restructure the current text in the doc to the following sections: Develop / Exchange / Learn & Teach / Localize / Spread the Word / Events / Infrastructure
Nicolas and Robin (action) will be working on this document this week, the team will be asked to review it by the end of this week or early next week.

2/ upgrade

Carlos and Graham are preparing the upgrade for to eZ 4.4. Update from Graham: at the point of setting up the environment on their local webserver. Downloads are not working, (action) Nicolas will prepare new downloads (from the database and the site). Google sheet contains some questions, to be answered by Nicolas (action). No further show stoppers, eZ Upgrade will be used just like on Graham and Carlos will keep the team up to date through the mailing list.

3/ Other points

Carlos raises the point of the eZ Tracker, it is not looked after frequently. This will be a point of improvement on the short term. eZ Engineering and the team will follow up on this. Christof Zahneissen and eZ Engineering’s plan is to clean up the tracker soon, with the participation of the community, so that it becomes again a practical tool. To be discussed at a later point.


Prioritized next steps

  1. Participation Model
  2. Upgrading to 4.4
  3. Job Board
  4. Clean-up/revamp of

Next time

February 28th, 2011, GMT+1


Side note :

eZ Conference wrap-up, pictures and slides :

Blog Post Discussion

2011 Feb 14th - Meeting minutes