Blogs / team / eZ Design Contest : and the winner is....

eZ Design Contest : and the winner is....

Friday 25 June 2010 1:31:13 am

  • Currently 3 out of 5 Stars.
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By : Nicolas Pastorino

A bit over two months after having launched the eZ Community Design Contest, the results are finally known.

After an unparalleled surge of energy coming from both the team, the registered contestants and particularly the two submitters, Zoran (Zwebb) and Suncana (Xvision), the final result is that Suncana Spriovan's design is the winner.

While the community rating helped us get a slight hint on where the preference would go ( 3.3/5 and 3.9/5 for Suncana and Zwebb respectively, when not rounding ), the other important aspect taken into account in making the choice was compliancy with the initial specifications.The team spent a fair amount of time scrutinizing the submitted designs, dissecting them completely, leading to a difficult, final choice.

While Suncana's design will be the one implemented on, we would like to thank both contestants for the outstanding work they showed us, particularly given the very tight deadlines. This means time and unparalleled involvement. On behalf of the whole community : THANK YOU !

The winner design is already in the process of being sliced and diced into XHTML & CSS, and we are planning on having a fully-featured, tested new design before the end of August. We'll need you guys for testing and giving feedback on the preliminary versions (more on this later).

Many thanks to all participants, and let's move towards a new, face-lifted portal at full speed !