Blogs / tomasz janukowicz
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Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:15
by Tomasz Janukowicz | 2 comments
Below short dirty trick for fast and easy submit google sitemaps. Different approoach.
Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:33
by Tomasz Janukowicz | 6 comments
For many years, eZ publish was good out of box solution. Since many months, I can see more often, that is easier and faster to write something similiar using alternative technologies. Rails, tornadoweb,, django are more on time.
Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:08
by Tomasz Janukowicz | 0 comments
Sometimes i read forums and blogs, if i need. Forgive me please if sometimes, will dubble existing post of other members. Anyway it will be always my point of view.
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