Docteur, J'ai (Doctor, I have) is a website that gives to doctors in their ambulatory practice, a unique and real operational encyclopedy that helps them to make a diagnosis and orientates towards an appropriate treatment. A demo version is publicly accessible, while the entire website content needs an online subscription as a complement to the periodic "Swiss medical review" or separately in a package with other online services provided by Médecine & Hygiène website.
The website is organised in chapters, each of them corresponding in most common complaints of the patient. Each chapter contains a general introduction, the most important questions about the case, different consultation paths based on evidences and a decisional algorithm. In a chapter we also find a systematic online bibliographic review, ordered by level of confidence, the related medicaments named with their international naming, but also with their local names, and complementary information.
The content is generally linked to other medical online modules provided by Médecine & Hygiène, specifically: diagnostic and prognostic scores, and a module dedicated to medicaments for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
The wesite users can also complete, contest, or transform each piece of information. They can add a comment, ask a question, submit a new consultation or submit a new moan. The new contents submitted by users follow then an internal approval process before publication.