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dotBase solutions informatiques SA

dotBase solutions informatiques SA

dotBase solutions informatiques SA Route des Acacias 25 1227 Genève


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Phone: +41 22 301 0707

  • Silver Partner

dotBase solutions informatiques SA, Switzerland

Active depuis 2000 auprès d'entreprises régionales et internationales de renom, dotBase est une société basée à Genève et spécialisée dans les solutions d'entreprises et prestations Open Source.
dotBase dédie son activité à la fourniture d'une gamme complète de solutions Open Source professionnelles couvrant les besoins essentiels des entreprises.
Employant eZ Publish tant comme CMS prêt à l'usage que comme plateforme de développement d'applications professionnelles, dotBase a réalisé les types de projets suivants :

- Sites interactifs de présentation de produits et services
- Sites e-commerce intégrés à un ERP
- Intranets
- Applications métiers spécifiques
- Sites de publication journalistiques
- Outils de gestion de newsletters
- Interface d'alimentation et d'accès à des bases de données multi-sources
- Workflows de validation d'information et de documents

dotBase dispose d'une vingtaine de collaborateurs couvrant l'ensemble du processus de mise en oeuvre : de la conception et du web design jusqu'à l'hébergement et la formation, en passant par le développement et la sécurisation des applications.

dotBase solutions informatiques SA references (8)

Docteur, J'ai (Doctor, I have)

Docteur, J'ai (Doctor, I have) -

Docteur, J'ai (Doctor, I have) is a website that gives to doctors in their ambulatory practice, a unique and real operational encyclopedy that helps them to make a diagnosis and orientates towards an appropriate treatment. A demo version is publicly accessible, while the entire website content needs an online subscription as a complement to the periodic "Swiss medical review" or separately in a package with other online services provided by Médecine & Hygiène website.

The website is organised in chapters, each of them corresponding in most common complaints of the patient. Each chapter contains a general introduction, the most important questions about the case, different consultation paths based on evidences and a decisional algorithm. In a chapter we also find a systematic online bibliographic review, ordered by level of confidence, the related medicaments named with their international naming, but also with their local names, and complementary information.

The content is generally linked to other medical online modules provided by Médecine & Hygiène, specifically: diagnostic and prognostic scores, and a module dedicated to medicaments for pregnant and breast-feeding women.

The wesite users can also complete, contest, or transform each piece of information. They can add a comment, ask a question, submit a new consultation or submit a new moan. The new contents submitted by users follow then an internal approval process before publication.
Cité des Métiers et des Formations Genève

Cité des Métiers et des Formations Genève -

The Cité des Métiers et des Formations Genève is a permanent office of the State of Geneva (Office pour l'orientation, la formation professionnelle et continue) dedicated vocational guidance and training for young people and adults. They will find there advices, information about vocational guidance and training, how to finance their training, continuing education, integration into a work environment, and generally speaking about employment.

Firstly the website presents general activities of the OOFP grouped by the main branches of the office.

Then the website also integrates the "Cybermag", which is the online review of OOFP. The Cybermag is organised into different sections : front page, extended reports, interviews, portraits, partnership space, access to practical information.

Contributors and editors can submit and approve contents and decide where to display the content in different kind of headlines. Each article could then be accessed in a detailed view and printed in a specific and dedicated format.

Articles can be entered with images that are automatically resized to fit in the various places where they can be displayed. Videos are also managed with the integration of a viewer.
Cité des Métiers et des Formations 2006

Cité des Métiers et des Formations 2006 -

The Cité des Métiers et des Formations 2006 was the swiss most important event dedicated to trade and training for young people and adults. It was a common event between the State of Geneva, local employer's associations and trade unions.

The website presents various trades and training groups by domain and linked to exhibitors. Exhibitors can be located on a interactive map of the exhibition. An agenda with specifics conferences or event is also displayed.

Users of the website can save interesting information in their caddy while browsing the site. The caddy can then be printed to help people visting the exhibition.

Teachers who intend to come to the exhibition with their students, can subscribe in a form. The information is then registered in the Open Source CRM SugarCRM which was implemented et customised by dotBase for the Association. With that last solution, the association staff manage their organisational activities (marketing to find exhibitors, meeting, contracts, orders, visits planning, etc.)
Cité des Métiers et des Formations 2009

Cité des Métiers et des Formations 2009 -

The Cité des Métiers et des Formations 2009 is the swiss most important event dedicated to trades and trainings for young people and adults. It is a common event between the State of Geneva, local employer's associations and trade unions.

The website presents a complete panel of trades and trainings, grouped by domain and linked to exhibitors. Exhibitors can be located on a interactive map of the exhibition. An agenda with specific conferences or events is also displayed.

Users of the website can save interesting information in their caddy while browsing the site. The caddy can then be printed to help people visit the exhibition.

Teachers who intend to come to the exhibition with their students, can subscribe in a form. The information is then registered in the Open Source CRM SugarCRM which was implemented and customised by dotBase. With that last solution, the association staff manage its organisational activities (marketing to find exhibitors, meeting, contracts, orders, visits planning, etc.)
International Social Security Association

International Social Security Association -

The International Social Security Association (ISSA) is the principal international institution bringing together social security agencies and organizations. The ISSA’s aim is to promote dynamic social security as the social dimension in a globalizing world by supporting excellence in social security administration.

The website presents and manages quite a big volume of information related to AISS and global members. Content combines free texts, images and videos and downloadable documents, categorized by countries and by topics. News and events related to the organisation or members is also displayed and organized in accordance.

The website integrates an "Observatory" which monitors social security programmes worldwide, and provides information on key issues and analysis of major developments in social security, and gives access to that information in an interactive way.

As the publication process requires many steps and involves many documents and pieces of information, dotBase developed a specific application which provides advanced features to help contributors and reviewers. Information is then transferred by batch to the website for public access.
Compagnie Générale de Navigation sur le lac Léman

Compagnie Générale de Navigation sur le lac Léman -

The "Compagnie Générale de Navigation sur le lac Léman" (CGN) owns for more than 130 years the largest fleet of "Belle Epoque" vessels in the world, in terms of passenger capacity. The lac Léman is the largest mass of fresh water in central Europe. CGN provides cruises between France and Switzerland, between Geneva and Montreux, via Evian and Lausanne.

The website presents CGN offers in terms of cruises. It describes also their fleet.

The website integrates a timetable which can be interactively asked and provides all possible journeys and times given the existing constraints.

CGN marketing staff updates the website regularly for their campaigns.
Groupe Médecine & Hygiène

Groupe Médecine & Hygiène -

Médecine & Hygiène Group is a cooperative company which groups doctors, pharmacists and dentists and promote medical training with the best communication tools and medical information. M&H has also 3 publishing companies. They publish professional reviews, journal and online services, and artistic, literary and scientific books.

The website presents general various company activities by categories and topics and online catalogs by reviews and publishing companies.

Subscriptions to periodic publications and online services, and purchase of books can be done via an integrated online shop which in turn is linked to the Open Source ERP Compiere. Articles, price lists and client accounts are created in the ERP then transffered to the online shop and online transactions are immediately registered and processed in the ERP.

As soon as people have paid their subscription they can access online content for reviews and online services, via a Single Sign On component.

People can access online their accounts, with their orders, payments, deliveries, invoices, even if they have been processed internally in a classical way (not online).
Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire

Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire -

The ISFB (Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire), the higher institute of banking training, offers a variety of training and courses enabling banking and finance professionals to develop themselves and hone their skills.

The ISFB members are the leading banks and businesses in the economy of Geneva and French-speaking Switzerland.

The website allow visitors to discover in an interactive way the training paths that best fit with their professional objective.

In the authenticated part of the website, it also allows individual people or HR responsibles to manage subscribtions and training history of their staff.

Features : personal data, subscriptions to courses, invoices, related documents, training history


eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:03:01
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:03:01
Module start 'content'
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Jan 18 2025 02:03:01
Creation of dynamic property eZCommunityRegistrationStructures::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 65
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias Jan 18 2025 02:03:02
The referenced alias 'reference' for image alias 'profile_picture' does not exist, cannot use it for reference.
Will use 'original' alias instead.
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias Jan 18 2025 02:03:02
The reference alias original file  does not exist
Error: Jan 18 2025 02:03:02
Original alias does not exist, cannot create other aliases without it
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Jan 18 2025 02:03:02
Creation of dynamic property eZForumToolsOperators::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 26
Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:03:02
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:03:02
Script end

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Time accumulators:

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Ini load
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Check MTime0.00150.1487240.0001
Mysql Total
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Sytem overhead
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Image XML parsing0.01491.4400110.0014
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Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

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