Directory / Companies / Enternett AS

Enternett AS

Enternett AS

Sverdrupsgate 23

4007 Stavanger


post @

Phone: 51849090

  • Community Partner

Enternett AS, Norway

EnterNett offers a broad range of IT-services; data communication, LAN, internet, intranet. We provide both software and hardware.

Enternett AS references (6)

Grunnsteinen AS

Grunnsteinen AS -

Everything of value needs a foundation, a solid platform that secures growth. Only after the foundation is laid can the construction start. Grunnsteinen AS is a property development company handling all areas of development, from empty parcels of land, to commercial real estate and private housing development.

We want to be involved from the start of you development project. We have expertise in all areas: planning, execution and completion. We create value for all stake holders, including the end user. This is an important part of our business strategy.
Mangfold 2008

Mangfold 2008 -

Web site of the Nordic children's literature conference Mangfold 2008 based in Stavanger, Norway.
Rogaland Bedriftskunstforening

Rogaland Bedriftskunstforening -

Designed, implemented and hosted by EnterNett AS.

Rogaland Bedriftskunstforenings goal is to provide and promote understanding of art for its members. Art associations for businesses can apply for membership.

Regular updates on new techniques, arrangements, picture-galleries and articles about art.

SmartSeal -

"2. generation eZ-Publish intallation for SmartSeal"

SmartSeal develops and sells innovative beverage closures.

”To become a world leading supplier of beverage closures with valves”

The SmartSeal technology has been developed to provide
spill-proof and convenient beverage consumption.

SmartSeal currently holds 14 worldwide patents.

The technology can be adapted to a range of containers, varying from PET bottles to cartons and pouches.

Programfag - is an internet based service for school owners to administer their course "Programfag til valg" for the schools in their kommune. The schools and students can use the service for making choices among the available subjects. The service is made available through collaboration between Skoledata A/S and EnterNett A/S.

Skoledata -

Skoledata creates internet based tools for the Norwegian school system, as well as advice and consultancy. The company is run by a retired councillor with 25 years of experience.
