Directory / Companies / MEDIATA Communications GmbH

MEDIATA Communications GmbH

MEDIATA Communications GmbH

Kölner Str. 94-96

53840 Troisdorf


Phone: +49 2241 972900

  • Community Partner

MEDIATA Communications GmbH, Germany

mediataFachagentur verfügt über die Kernkompetenzen einer Internetagentur und die einer Markenberatung.

* Internet & Internet-Lösungen (Internetagentur)
* Marke & Medien (Markenberatung)

Das verbindende Element ist der Qualitätsanspruch – die Realisierung intelligenter Kommunikation.

mediataFachagentur / Mediata Communications GmbH. Ihr starker Partner seit 1996. Bedarfsgerechte Lösungen und Support für kleinste/kleine & mitellständische Unternehmen (sog. KMUs), sowie große Unternehmen/Konzerne.

Der Fachbereich Internet & Internet-Lösungen (Internetagentur) der mediataFachagentur unterstützt und berät Kunden bei Entwicklung und Betrieb ihrer Internetaktivitäten. Ziel ist die Wertschöpfung durch Integration des Mediums Internet in die Organisations-Strukturen unserer Kunden.

* unsere Kunden erhalten ausgewählte Lösungen, plus Service, plus Support
* Der Fachbereich Internet & Internet-Lösungen ist Internetagentur und Service-Partner für neue und auch für bereits existierende Internetpräsenzen, die ursprünglich nicht durch mediataFachagentur erstellt wurden

Weitere Informationen zum Fachbereich Internet & Internet-Lösungen

Die mediata Fachagentur ist Anbieter einer Digital Asset Management (DAM) Lösung auf Basis von eZ Publish.

Sie möchten mehr erfahren? Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Projektanfrage:

Telefon: +49 (0)2241 972 900

English Version

The core business of Mediata Communications GmbH is the development, programming and support service for Internet applications.

Mediata Communciations GmbH is an Internet agency offering full service ranging from e-commerce over website development to online marketing.

Our services and software solutions are based on the combination of IT competence with expertise in business management.

Particulars of the Internet Agency Mediata Communications GmbH

Firm name: Mediata Communications GmbH
Established in: 1996
Seat: Troisdorf / Cologne Bonn (Germany), Berlin (Germany)

The people in our Internet agency have year-long experiences in all common programming languages. In addition to the creation and development of Internet applications, our tasks include the development, provision and customisation of intranet and extranet solutions. This also comprises the areas of shop and database connections as well as mail and communications solutions.

Homepage Mediata - Internet agency | Software programming | Communication

MEDIATA Communications GmbH references (12) - a internet portal of Global Communication Services GmbH - a internet portal of Global Communication Services GmbH -

Floor fans provide "corporate fan club" for publicly traded North American companies on the web portal

FanClub members get access to exclusive information and events that you can get some information advantage to operate more successfully on the stock exchange.

Customer: Global Communication Services GmbH
Vertical: Financial Services
Internet agency: mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn.
Solution / Software: ECMS eZ Publish

Fon: +49 (0)2241 972 900

mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn.
Zentis GmbH & Co. KG – Viel Frucht. Feel good.

Zentis GmbH & Co. KG – Viel Frucht. Feel good. -

At Zentis, everything revolves around fruits - and around your pleasure! Since more than 100 years the name Zentis stands for exquisite breakfast jams and noble confectionery. Besides, we put particularly a lot of value on the correct ingredients and an unforgettable taste experience.

Today ZENTIS GmbH & Co.KG employs round about 1,300 members of staff in Aachen and in the year 2006 it had a turnover of circa Euro 600 million (Gross turnover in all performing sectors of the group before consolidation). With a fruit processing capacity with a daily output volume of several hundred tonnes, ZENTIS is one of Europe´s largest fruit processing companies.

Customer: Zentis GmbH & Co. KG
Vertical: Fruit preparations, food, confectionery
Internet agency: mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn
Solution / Software: ECMS eZ Publish.
Fon: +49 (0)2241 972 900
TroService GmbH & Co. KG Catering Shop

TroService GmbH & Co. KG Catering Shop -

TroService has grown since its founding in 1992 to a specialist company operating the catering and school meals developed.

Their services include the following:
* Lunch
* Breakfast / snack
* Vending supply
* Conference Dining
* Guest Hospitality
* Special Events
* Conceptual design of catering facilities

Mediata developed a full featured b2b ecommerce solution for the German market.
Wilson Baiardo

Wilson Baiardo -

Wilson Racquet Sports has created a revolutionary new stringing machine taking the process of stringing rackets to the next level.

Wilson Racquet Sports is a division of Chicago-based Wilson Sporting Goods, one of the world's leading manufacturers of sports equipment and owned by Amer Sports. Wilson designs, manufactures and distributes sporting goods throughout the world and focuses on making technologically advanced products which help players of all levels perform better. Wilson's core sport categories include: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Soccer, Youth Sports, Uniforms/Apparel, Golf, Footwear and Racquet Sports (Tennis, Racquetball, Squash, Badminton and Platform Tennis).

Gobal Website in 6 languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese)
Digital-Asset-Management System Zentis GmbH & Co. KG

Digital-Asset-Management System Zentis GmbH & Co. KG - not for public purposes

At Zentis, everything revolves around fruits - and around your pleasure! Since more than 100 years the name Zentis stands for exquisite breakfast jams and noble confectionery. Besides, we put particularly a lot of value on the correct ingredients and an unforgettable taste experience.

Today ZENTIS GmbH & Co.KG employs round about 1,300 members of staff in Aachen and in the year 2006 it had a turnover of circa Euro 600 million (Gross turnover in all performing sectors of the group before consolidation). With a fruit processing capacity with a daily output volume of several hundred tonnes, ZENTIS is one of Europe´s largest fruit processing companies.

Project features
- SaaS Digital-Asset-Management System architecture form mediataFachagentur
- data import (images, users, documents, videos)
- automatic cmyk to rgb image conversion
- automatic thumbnail generation of most document formats
- automatic video conversion and thumbnailing
- custom Website-Toolbar integration
- about 1500 different assets (images, documents, videos)
- custom user notification
- and many more features
- non public, password protected, area

Customer: Zentis GmbH & Co. KG
Vertical: Fruit preparations, food, confectionery
Internet agency: mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn.
Solution / Software / SaaS: ECMS eZ Publish. Digital-Asset-Management (DAM) / professional Mediacenter

Read more about our Digital-Asset-Management (DAM) - Solution
>>> <<<

Demo available!

Fon: +49 (0)2241 972 900

mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn.
European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP)

European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) -

The "European Network of Political Foundations - independent actors in democracy promotion, development cooperation and political dialogue" established in 2006 is a cooperation structure, serving as a communication and dialogue instrument between European political foundations and the Institutions of the European Union as well as civil society actors in the fields of democracy promotion and development cooperation. Further to that it provides services to its members to promote their integration into the respective programmes of the European Union.

Project features
- Member area
- data import of old cm-system
- custom Website-Toolbar integration
- teaching editors

Customer: European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP)
Vertical: Public sector
Internet agency: mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn.
Solution / Software: ECMS eZ Publish

Fon: +49 (0)2241 972 900

mediataFachagentur, Office Troisdorf, Cologne/Bonn.
Zakspeed Performance GmbH & Co. KG

Zakspeed Performance GmbH & Co. KG -

ZAKSPEED has been active in German motor sport for more than 35 years and with more than 400 racing victories to its credit it is by far Germany’s most successful racing team.

That bearing a name with such a reputation in the motor sport tradition brings with it responsibility was clear to Peter Zakowski when he founded Germany’s first permanent school for racing drivers in 1991. Its purpose was to foster the next generation of young talented drivers for Formula sport as well as to organize professional racing events.

First step of redesigning the Zakspeed online portal ist the online shop.

Included functionality:
- Payment gateway integration for credticard and ec-card
- automated solution for stock checking
- mediata extended Shop Extension
- simple shipping handler
- Google sitemap integration
- many more

Aktion Neue Zukunft e.V.

Aktion Neue Zukunft e.V. -

Website for a German association.The association has set itself the objective to make its members fit for the future. They will train their members with different kind of seminars.

Fonctional parts of the website built with eZ Publish:

- administration of seminars with automatic online registration for members or guests
- member section with forum, events, account administration, workshops, newsletter
- adminitration of member bonus points
- import of user information
- newsletter functionallity with PDF Download for informing all members
- online test "Spotlight" with automitc generation of PDF Output of the answers to the administration. This output will be handeld to the custumers in personal meetings!
- online member registration via secure SSL connection
Institut für das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus (InEK) GmbH

Institut für das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus (InEK) GmbH -

About InEK GmbH
The Institut für das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus (InEK GmbH) was set up as a public utility company on 10th May 2001 by the umbrella organisations of health insurance companies, the Association of Private Health Insurers and the German Hospital Association.

The institute supports these contractual partners, and the bodies they set up, in the introduction and on-going development of the system of accounting and charging for in-patient hospital services statutorily required by the GKV modernisation law.

Initial Situation
The 2001 InEK GmbH website has been continually updated with new documents and other information so that, by the time of reorganisation in 2007, an extensive structure, several archives and a large number of pages have made clarity and accessibility more difficult.
Furthermore, maintenance of the content had become inconvenient and, according to the degree of updating required, demanded a long period of re-familiarisation and content verification.
From a current perspective, the technical basis displayed deficiencies in availability, since certain end devices were not supported in the respect of barrier-free accessibility and alternative display possibilities for people with restricted access.

Project/ Goal Setting
The focus of the website reorganisation lay in future accessibility to the content and optimisation of page maintenance.
Both the internal stipulations of the institute and the legal requirements for a barrier-free realisation of online content were to be met by the website’s structure and display features.

The basic idea of a barrier-free web presence is to provide the best possible access to the whole information for all users – irrespective of their physical and/or technical possibilities. For example, care must be taken that the functionality of the internet pages is guaranteed even when greatly enlarged, that graphic information is also available in text format and that texts of links are so chosen that they can still be understood even when out of context.

For these reasons, physically or mentally restricted people should be offered alternative possibilities for viewing as well as support for technical aids such a Braille readers. The level 1 requirements of the W3C guidelines were chosen to provide concrete quality control of barrier-free access.
It should be possible to carry out content maintenance independent of location (MEDIATA or InEK) that can still be efficiently individualised to meet future requirements.

Multilingual localisation (German, English and French) was also agreed upon due to the institute’s international cooperation. The simple possibility for portioning in further languages should also be taken into account in this respect.

Implementation was undertaken on the basis of the Enterprise Content Management System eZ Publish, which met the requirements of both administration and modes of display, as well as the requirements for managing numerous types of documents. The modular structure and object-oriented programming guaranteed the possibility for expansion and maintenance in future.
In addition, exclusively linearised content structures were used that result in a sensible sequence even when no format details are given. And so it is possible, for example, for the blind and people with impaired sight to have the content displayed through a line of Braille or read out by a screen reader.
The requirement for various display possibilities and a meaningful representation of contents was achieved through a rigorous separation of content and design elements and a well-thought-out template concept.

Automatic presentation for various target groups and end devices thereby became possible for content that need to be embedded only once. With the application of current XHTML and CSS web standards, the Content Management System eZ Publish offered an optimal basis for barrier-free internet pages and utilities. The global UTF-8 font ensured display independent of language, so that not only western European but also Asian and other language areas could be realised according to need.

In addition, the InEK website was given an optimised and simplified design that improved the accentuation and readability of the content, but nevertheless reflected corporate design requirements.

Clear-cut navigation, simple contact possibilities and further aids such as the scaling of type size, also increased both the clarity and accessibility of the internet pages.
The ECMS was also bound to the Zend platform to optimise usage reliability and thereby user satisfaction.
The Zend platform is a professional PHP application server that provides functionality features, which help to ensure that PHP applications run reliably and at the highest possible level of performance. The high-performance file download mechanism and caching features implemented as part of the InEK web presence deserve special mention.

Advantages and Consideration of Results
The realisation of the InEK Website represents an investment in the technologies of the future, for barrier-free websites are accessible to almost all users – independent of whether they wish to access the sites from mobile devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs MDAs or on-board vehicle computers, or use assistive technologies.
The information provided on the internet can thereby be reached as widely as possible and the communication platform successfully used by the groups wishing to do so.

About MEDIATA Communications GmbH
The core business of MEDIATA Communications GmbH is the development, programming, and support of internet applications. MEDIATA Communications GmbH offers the wide range of services provided by a full-service internet agency.

From eCommerce, to website development, to online marketing. Our services and software solutions are based on combining IT competence with knowledge of business management.
Club Wilson Community / Clubhaus

Club Wilson Community / Clubhaus -

Wilson Community Portal for all tennis or sport inspired people. Ask your questions and Wilson pro`s will answer, even Patrik Kühnen the german Davis Cup teamcaptain. Portal for german and english speeking users.

Migration of over 2000 existing phpBB members to eZ Publish users. Migration of existing phpBB forum content to eZ Publish 3.9.x content tree.

MEDIATA Communications GmbH

MEDIATA Communications GmbH -

The core business of MEDIATA Communications GmbH is the development, programming and support service for Internet applications.

MEDIATA Communciations GmbH is an Internet agency offering full service ranging from e-commerce over website development to online marketing.

Our services and software solutions are based on the combination of IT competence with expertise in business management.

Company Website in one language (German), which is mobilely attainable over "" by using a mobile phone or pda.
International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn

International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn -

The job skills of internationally working managers has changed. The International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn has responded to these changes. As the first state-recognized university exclusively specialized in the service sector, it offers young, motivated people a future-oriented education.

The International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn wants to set new standards in educating future top managers. Their compact study programs have an international and practice-oriented focus and are designed to meet the demands of international organizations.

The International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn is dedicated to achieving their goals through:
- Focus on the international market
- English, the business language, is our language of instruction
- Cooperations with partner universities in Europe, USA, Australia, and Asia
- International student body
- Teaching expert knowledge by international faculty and industry professionals
- Applied research in cooperation with partners from the industry
- Using modern information and communication technology
- Foreign languages (Chinese, French, German as a Foreign Language, Italian, Spanish,) and teaching intercultural management
- Practice-oriented through national and international internships
- Demonstrating and keeping alive service mentality by staff and students

Website in two languages (German and English), with up to 20 editors working at the same time on the administration interface.

High performance configuration and setup using Zend Platform for PHP code acceleration and content caching.

Intensive use of eZ Publish build in notification system and the workflow event "approve" in the administration interface.


eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:20:14
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:20:14
Module start 'content'
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Jan 18 2025 02:20:14
trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 205
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Jan 18 2025 02:20:14
Creation of dynamic property eZCommunityRegistrationStructures::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 65
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias Jan 18 2025 02:20:15
The referenced alias 'reference' for image alias 'profile_picture' does not exist, cannot use it for reference.
Will use 'original' alias instead.
Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias Jan 18 2025 02:20:15
The reference alias original file  does not exist
Error: Jan 18 2025 02:20:15
Original alias does not exist, cannot create other aliases without it
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Jan 18 2025 02:20:15
Creation of dynamic property eZForumToolsOperators::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 26
Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:20:15
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 02:20:15
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime1.2769 sec
Peak memory usage6,144.0000 KB
Database Queries339

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0087 587.7188180.8281
Module start 'content' 0.00871.1333 768.54691,708.5938
Module end 'content' 1.14200.1349 2,477.1406435.8594
Script end 1.2769  2,913.0000 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00500.3878240.0002
Check MTime0.00170.1332240.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00120.094510.0012
Looping result0.00310.24203250.0000
Template Total1.247397.720.6236
Template load0.00210.164520.0011
Template processing1.245297.510920.6226
Template load and register function0.00020.013410.0002
Cache load0.00180.1443390.0000
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00290.2305150.0002
Fetch class attribute name0.00110.0824130.0001
Image XML parsing0.01611.2644150.0011
Instantiating content class attribute0.00010.0083370.0000
String conversion0.00000.000630.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1node/view/full.tplfull/partner.tplextension/community_design/design/suncana/override/templates/full/partner.tplEdit templateOverride template
1content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl<No override>extension/community_design/design/suncana/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tplEdit templateOverride template
5content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl<No override>extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tplEdit templateOverride template
4content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tpl<No override>design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tplEdit templateOverride template
1content/datatype/view/eztext.tpl<No override>design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/eztext.tplEdit templateOverride template
1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 13
 Number of unique templates used: 6

Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs