Directory / Companies / Pivotal Information Technology
11150 Sunset Hills Road Suite 140 Reston
Virginia 20190 USA
lia @
Phone: (703) 894-3094
Pivotal IT is a services-based consulting agency that focuses on our clients’ technology capabilities by bringing together architectural solutions with a programmatic approach in the area of content management systems, social media, cloud computing, and technology operations. We serve our clients as trusted business partners by impacting their top line and increasing revenues.
Karla Russell
Member since: 14/04/2011
Script start
Module start 'content'
Creation of dynamic property eZCommunityRegistrationStructures::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 65
The referenced alias 'reference' for image alias 'profile_picture' does not exist, cannot use it for reference. Will use 'original' alias instead.
The reference alias original file does not exist
Original alias does not exist, cannot create other aliases without it
Creation of dynamic property eZForumToolsOperators::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 26
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs