Directory / Companies / Smile



Smile 48 rue de Villiers 92300 Levallois-Perret


Gregory.Becue @

Phone: +33 1 41 40 11 00

  • Platinum Partner

Smile, France

In business since 1991, Smile is the first European integrator of open source solutions. Multi-specialist with a large range of 18 offers, Smile deploys the best open source solutions in the market in a variety of domains like: content management, portals, ERP, business intelligence, CRM, ECM, e-Commerce, as well as systems and infrastructure.

For the past 10 years, Smile has produced some of the most prominent websites in France, sites with high traffic and advanced features. Since 2001, Smile is the leading integrator of CMS open source solutions in France, with over 500 CMS based projects, and more than 100 built on eZ publish.

Smile references (40)

National Geographic France

National Geographic France -

The web site of the National Geographic magazine en France, was developed with eZpublish by Smile, in hardly more than a month time.
Cercle de l'enseignement Gallimard

Cercle de l'enseignement Gallimard -

Gallimard is one of the biggest publishing houses in France. Gallimard chose Smile for the development of the site "Cercle de l’enseignement" which is dedicated to teachers from primary school to college.
Evian Royal Resort

Evian Royal Resort -

Smile has designed and developped the website Evian Masters Experience with eZ Publish. The website is marked out by its luxurious graphic design created especially for this prestigious golf.

Foncia -

Foncia is one of the real estate european leaders. The company belongs to the Banque Populaire et Caisse d’Epargne (BPCE) group, the second banking group in France.

For their new website Foncia wanted to focus on the customers' needs and place their clients at te centre of the project. Therefore the site offers an easy navigation and ergonomic functionnalities.

Laboratoires Boiron

Laboratoires Boiron -

Laboratoires Boiron is a pharmaceutical company specialised in homeopathic medicine.
Smile has developped the two coporate websites of Boiron : et
Among the various functionalities developped with eZ Publish we can quote : geolocalisation, MnoGoSearch intégration, strong use of "objects" in the back-office...
Forum des images

Forum des images -

Created in 1988, the Forum des Images, previously Paris Video Library, is THE place to be if you’re a film buff. After 3 years of work to redo the building, the Forum des Images opened officially its doors to the public in December. At this occasion, the Forum des Images chose Smile and eZ to create its new website.

Bretagne Environnement

Bretagne Environnement -

Developed with eZ Publish, Bretagne Environnement is the site that delivers all the information on Brittany’s environment, for the public as well as for scientists.

01 Informatique

01 Informatique -

Between April and December 2008, Smile worked on the creation of 01 Informatique’s first website. 01 Informatique is the leading IT magazine in France. Developed with eZ Publish, 01 Informatique hopes that this site will become the IT reference site.

Osmoz -

Osmoz is a website dedicated to perfume and gives a wide range of information to the general public and the professionals of this market. Developed with eZ publish in five languages, the new site is completely Web 2.0 and very interactive.



The IFP, French Petrol Institute, chose Smile and eZ Publish for the creation of their new site. The IFP now has a bilingual site they can update very easily and autonomously.
CdT Somme

CdT Somme -

The Tourism comity of the Somme region decided to have a new website when they changed their communication strategy. Their new website launched in 2008 benefits the various functionalities of eZ Publish such as multilingualism management, multiple publication and multi-positioning.

Dialogue Interculturel

Dialogue Interculturel -

2008 celebrates the year of cultural diversity in Europe. At this occasion, the French Ministry of Culture chose Smile to create the website dedicated to this celebration in France. The main purpose of the site is to communicate on the several events which will take place during the year. The website was developed within a month thanks to eZ Publish. A second batch will be delivered very shortly and will allow to put in line photos, videos and radio podcasts of the events.
The site can promote up to 1.000 events simultaneously, each of them can be found easily thanks to a powerful search engine.

Air Pays de la Loire

Air Pays de la Loire -

Air Pays de la Loire and Smile chose eZ publish for the development of an information portal on the quality of air.
Maxi Tuning

Maxi Tuning -

Motor press chose Smile and eZ publish for the online version of its print magazine Maxi Tuning. Developed with eZ publish, the website offers a wide range of photos and videos, a forum and the possibility of creating blogs.

Evaluation Qualité Officine

Evaluation Qualité Officine -

Based on eZ publish, EQO’s website allows chemists to evaluate the quality of their dispensary’s processes.


GPdis -

With more than 18 000 references and 20 logistic platforms and warehouses, GPdis is one of the largest B2B distributors in France. GPdis has chosen Smile and eZ publish to rework its e-commerce site and put online its entire range of products. eZ publish was selected in order to answer GPdis’ needs in terms of workflow, multi-positioning and e-business development.
Yves Rocher - Russia

Yves Rocher - Russia -

Yves Rocher is the world leader in botanical beauty care. Smile assisted Yves Rocher when the group decided to launch an e-shop in Russia ; and recommended them to choose the CMS eZ publish.

Canal-U -

With Canal-U, the CERIMES, organisation depending of the Ministry of Education, puts in line and in free-access, a catalogue of more than 2500 video teaching programmes.

Atoobi -

Teen-agers now have their own video community space thanks to Atoobi, Smile and eZ! Merkures, a multimedia editor chose Smile for the creation of its community website Entirely developed with eZ publish, Atoobi is a multimedia space for the 15-25 years old, at the junction of technology, content and video.

Vélib’ -

Velib is the new bicycle-hiring project launched this summer in Paris. Smile developed a platform based on eZ publish able to generate various websites from one central site. The platform also allows the user to subscribe in line, have information on its account, on bikes availability…

GPdis -

GPdis is wholesaler, which offers high-tech and household products. In 2006, the society asked Smile to recast their B to B website with eZ publish. This website proposes an exhaustiv products presentation, a web-shop and a News section to inform the visitors about their new products. -

AEP, the European Association for Grain Legume Research, is a European-based but internationally-active network of scientists and end-users concerned with grain legumes (peas, faba beans, lupins, chickpeas, lentils, Phaseolus beans, etc.). AEP aims both to strengthen the inter-disciplinary research works and to enhance the application of research into the integrated chain of grain legumes. Grain legumes are crop plants belonging to the legume family, which also includes forage legumes.

The aim was to create an exchange and service plat-form for the scientist community to stimulate research. Smile recommended the use of eZ publish in order to developp some new functionalities able to answer the AEP's requests : Webshop, Working groups, In site editing. -

Lagardère Active Media is today the world´s leading magazine publisher, with 260 titles published in some 41 countries, a circulation of more than 1 billion copies. ELLE, one of its more famous magazines, is now available online with the site, an interactive extension to the magazine. Indeed, is the new portal for women related to fashion, cooking, beauty,... Users can create their blog, search a receipt, or discuss about news.

Developped with eZ publish, this site gathers 12 differents sections, which each have their own rich contents.

Eurostar -

For the conception of the site, Smile selected eZ publish, a CMS that offers all the functionalities needed for the site. Besides, accordingly to the British legislation, the new site respects the WAI conformity in terms of accessibility.
Femme Actuelle

Femme Actuelle - is a new internet portal dedicated to women. It proposes information related to fashion, cooking, news of the world. Smile has developed this portal with eZ publish and has added a number of functionalities so that users can create their personal space, their photo album, receive their horoscope.

For this project, eZ systems has also managed a specific extension called Smile Schedule that allows to plan the arrangement of a page according to a defined calendar in order to have a global view of the web site.


The CFRT is an organization producing religious TV programs in France. The CFRT chose Smile to rebuild its corporate website that also presents its most important TV program "Le Jour du Seigneur". The objective of this new site was to gain in simplicity, dynamism and extensibility. In order to answer these needs, the CMS eZ publish was used to develop the site. Today, the CFRT can create and manage easily various contents such as: video broadcasts, texts, forums.
OSEO - Appui Entreprises Régions

OSEO - Appui Entreprises Régions - Not available

Appui Entreprises Régions is an information disposal dedicated to businesses and created by OSEO in partnership with the different Regional Councils of France.
Smile took in charge the design of the different websites and the creation of the content available to regional SME: contact directories, information sheets… The access to the service is in a standard mode and through Web services. Smile also created a very simplified back-office dedicated to contributors. The CMS eZ publish has been used for the entire project.


CIRAD is a French organization in charge of agronomic researches. It works for development of tropical and sub-tropical countries while respecting the sustainable growth. CIRAD chose Smile's counselling skills for the evaluation of a CMS that would answer its needs for several of its sites: Internet, Intranet and Extranet. The consulting unit of Smile worked hand in hand during two months with the CIRAD teams to identify and qualify all the existing content management tools within different environments. At the end of this benchmark, the solution eZ publish was preferred both by Smile and CIRAD for its various qualities such as: multi-language, site duplication, rights management.


After a first collaboration in 2001, CEA chose Smile for the renewal of their corporate Website. For this project, CEA had strong demands in terms of content multi-positioning to be in line with their site's architecture. Smile recommended the use of eZ publish since it is a complete and flexible tool that offers an interface easy to use, while adding rich functionalities.
Gîtes de France

Gîtes de France -

The Gîtes de France label has grown and developed over the years and is now the largest guest-house network in Europe. In order to gain more dynamism and modernity, Gîtes de France chose Smile to rebuild its Web site. After a detailed benchmark of the competitor's site, Smile recommended the use of eZ publish notably for its qualities in terms of simplicity and existing functionalities. Today, Gîtes de France's new Web site is more lively and easier to manage.
Bouygues Télécom

Bouygues Télécom -

The DIM project is a typical large-scale enterprise content repository, set up with eZ publish. DIM stands for "Diffusion d'Information Multi-canal", meaning "multichannel information publishing". The DIM repository combines three major bases of structured content: mobile phones, working instructions and commercial offers, updated through the daily online contributions of dedicated teams. These contents are thus managed in a consolidated repository, and published towards different target web sites.

In terms of content management, the DIM project includes all the fundamental features that are the great strengths of eZ publish: structured content (a mobile phone is described by more than 200 data fields), multi-stages specific validation workflows, full-fledged and detailed management of permissions, as well as a static publishing feature that aims at integrating eZ publish managed content within J2EE applications, and a personnalisation of content publication towards customer advisor staff.

This large-scale project has been a demonstration of Smile's proficiency in integrating eZ publish in complex environments, deploying the CMS within a clustered architecture for high availability and high scalability, to serve more than 2000 customer advisor staff members. It has also been an opportunity to add new features such as the handling of extensible synonym management in the native search engine.
Intranet Portal of Prisma Presse

Intranet Portal of Prisma Presse -

Prisma Presse had an intranet portal, integrating several practical and useful features, but it was limited at the level of the management of contents. Smile and Prisma have to collaborate once again to remelt their Intranet and to implement a more advanced management tool of contents, while maintaining coherence compared to the other solutions already installation.


After 4 years of use of Documentum, VSC had strong waitings in terms of flexibility and ownership cost. To satisfy these needs and to also build the websites,, and, Smile retained eZ publish, for which the capacities largely met the need and a few of functionalities were enriched for that project.
Amnesty International (French Section)

Amnesty International (French Section) -

For Smile, this project consisted on one hand in strengthing the dynamism of the design and in making it more accessible to the general public and on the other hand in supplying to Amnesty International the effective tools allowing a regular and easy update.

The French section of Amnesty International wished to give a new run-up to its Internet site to -

First site of tourism in France and first transactional website, collects the records, with more than 400 000 visitors each day : it must be based on a complete and effective Content Management System. After a large consultation exploring best offers of CMS, as well commercial as open source, eZ publish recommended by Smile was retained by GL Ecommerce. This CMS was appropriate particularly well for this context for its capacities to define structured contents, to configure workflows of multiple validations and a broader way, to be used as a framework to add specific functionalities.
Prisma Pub

Prisma Pub -

The Group Prisma Presse entrusted to Smile the design and the realization of Internet site Business to Business of its advertising control "Prisma Pub" independent of the institutional site.

The main purpose of this site is to promote the image of Prismapub via its exclusive design. This site constitutes an attractive glimpse of the whole of the publications of the group of press, described in a dynamic shareholding file.

This one counts the information-headlights, constantly reactualized each publication, illustrated by the last cover in kiosk.
LPG Sport

LPG Sport -

Technologies LPG are used by large sportsmen but their assets are not inevitably well-known general public. The sport and the fitness constitute natural axes of communication to promote LPG Systems near the professionals (kinesitherapists, physiognomists, chiropractors, preparers, trainers, biomecanicians, doctors of the sport, nutritionnists, frameworks of the federations, etc). The sport is also an excellent vector of image and notoriety near general public. That was born this project from institutional site, dedicated to the sport and whose realization was entrusted to Smile.

This site was carried out under eZ publish, managed by the same interface and can divide its contents with the other Web applications of LPG Sytems. In addition, this site is a relay between general public and the distributors : in order to make easy this communication, a module "distributor" was elaborate too and integrated later in an oder site of LPG Systems,

The ERP of LPG Systems was interfaced in the application, which also facilitates the update of the data of all its network. The "patient" can from there seek then to contact the specialized distributor which is appropriate to him best. The design of the company simply was declined and integrated in the site.
LPG Systems : Space Movement, Life, Forme

LPG Systems : Space Movement, Life, Forme -

Since 2005, LPG Systems and Smile work together to promote LPG Systems, its products and its services on the Net. Space Movement, Life, Forme the first version of this site marketing had been carried out in statics.

The objective of this V2 realized with Smile was initially to bring more flexibility on the contents supply, to create a professional space and especially to profit from data bases able to feed the whole of its sites.

eZ publish is a real Enterprise CMS, making it possible to manage several sites thanks of an interface and a data bases single.

Meddispar -

In the context of the exit of hospital of proprietary medical products and concerning better informing the pharmacists, the National Order of the Pharmacists (ONP) and Smile carry out "an Internet site of reference".

The ONP, of which one of the legal missions is to take care of the competence of the pharmacists, attempts to develop services making it possible to make safe and facilitate the officinal exercise. It naturally decided to carry out "an Internet site of reference" devoted to the drugs to particular dispensation. This site presents all the regulations relative to these drugs and allows a fast access to information useful for the delivery and the dispensation of a given speciality.

Smile recommended eZ publish like content management system, adapted best to the needs for the ONP. Indeed eZ publish combines simplicity for the operations of publication to the advanced functionalities of an enterprise CMS.
A federative Internet site for Stanhome-Kiotis

A federative Internet site for Stanhome-Kiotis -

Stanhome and Kiotis are two brands of the french cosmetic group : Yves Rocher.
Stanhome is n°1 the direct selling in products of cleaning and care for the house: 100 000 delegated and 70 years of success worldwide! Created in 2001 for the direct selling, Kiotis is a brand of cosmetic, which has already conquered more than a million women in the world.

Smile carried out a site corporate harmoniously integrating the two marks of the Group and the two shops on line, thanks to the successful alliance of eZ publish and osCommerce.


eZ debug

Timing: Jan 17 2025 20:56:27
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Time accumulators:

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Ini load
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Mysql Total
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Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

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