Thursday 17 November 2005 3:11:43 pm
Really need a solution for that too - over 30000 images in system and the jpg compression value was upped, need to remove old variations. Deleting file does not help. hmm.. (half a hour later) Ok, i found it strange that even new images did not look better after quality change so i replaced the convert command to see whats going on and lo: /usr/bin/convert | -quality 85 -geometry 100x100> -geometry 250x250 var/plain/storage/images/testing/proov4/425603-1-nor-NO/proov4.jpg JPEG:var/plain/storage/images/testing/proov4/425603-1-nor-NO/proov4_small.jpg
Downsizing to 100x100 as first step really does not help :) I had forgot to add
Filters[]=geometry/scaledownonly=250;250 in my image.ini override, so 100x100 default came in too from main ini. WHAT THE HELL - all images instantly became of better quality? What made the variants update? (a hour and some later) Well at first it seemed ez recreates variants at every load but through some experimentation i found out that clicking CLEAR ALL CACHES in admin will force ez to invalidate old ones and recreate each variant that is encountered in pageload, although the old FILES are NOT removed by cache clean. Even more strangery, invoking any clean cache options (except Clear All) separately from popup does NOT invalidate old images, only the clear all option does. What the hell is going on here?? At least one thing is good tho - just a click to "clear all caches" will essentially update all image variants on site.
Certified eZ developer looking for projects.
zurgutt at