Thursday 14 July 2011 11:51:35 am
Hi folks, As I am working my way through the development phases of a new website in the 2011.6-edition, one thing keep coming back into my mind. I have been working with eZ Publish since 2002, and the pagelayout.tpl is just getting more and more complex, not to say cluttered. I know the ezwebin-thing in combination with the ezpagedata operator needs all that stuff... at least I know that is what the core developers will say. IF all those include-files and code really need to be there - why not put solid, genuine comments above them, so that we all know, without hesitation, what we can remove, and what needs to stay. For instance - what about the
{include uri='design:page_head_displaystyles.tpl'} What is that? I have been looking through this site and all documentation, but I just cant find the answer. What is the purpose of these lines?
{* NOTE: Can not be inside a cache-block, unless it has user id as key! *}
<style type="text/css">
.limitdisplay-user {ldelim} display: none; {rdelim}
.limitdisplay-user-{$current_user.contentobject_id} {ldelim} display: inline; {rdelim}
.limitdisplay-user-block-{$current_user.contentobject_id} {ldelim} display: block; {rdelim}
</style> I admit this is not a too big problem for me, but what about new developers, that are interested in learning eZ from scratch? I think a solid, simple pagelayout.tpl will gain the eZ Publish system more than unpredictable features that is not to find a trace of in any documentation. It ought to be possible to improve this, also with better comments and documentation.
Nicklas Lundgren, Managing Director
Novitell AB, Sweden