Forums / Developer / ActionRemove redirect
Clemens T
Monday 07 January 2008 1:43:50 am
Hello all,
I'd like to know how to redirect the end-user after he removes an object. I'd like to redirect the user to another node (which I know before removal). RedirectURIAfterPublish and RedirectURI don't seem to work here.
Monday 07 January 2008 2:37:23 am
Hello again Clemens,
I don't think this feature exists yet in eZ Publish.
I think you may find the results you seek with the creation of a custom module view ie: /redirectdelete/delete) which uses the stock delete code to remove the node and then provides in addition a custom redirect.
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Monday 07 January 2008 3:53:44 am
Heya Heath,
Thanks for the quick response!
Do you mean I need to create an extension with a module and a view which has custom PHP code (which uses the eZPublish base code) or will a template override do? Could you provide a little more detail please?
Thanks again!!Clemens
Monday 07 January 2008 4:51:27 am
Your welcome Clemens,
<i> > Do you mean I need to create an extension with a module and a view which has custom PHP code (which uses the eZPublish base code) or will a template override do? </i>
Yes I am recommending the creation of an extension module view as you describe. Nor I do not think a template override can solve your concern.
Monday 07 January 2008 5:37:17 am
Ok, got ya! thx again
Chad Paulson
Friday 11 January 2008 1:50:32 pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, but what about creating a custom edit handler and using a hidden form element (could be named redirectURI or potentially anything).
Within the custom edit handler, you can redirect using the hidden form field, something like:
$module->redirectTo( $http->postVariable('redirectURI') );
For more information about custom edit handlers, check out the link below.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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