Tuesday 31 August 2004 1:15:48 am
Paul, Have made some progress on this - the exchange rate extension works very well. In my template pages I can grab the dollar value using code:
{let rates=fetch( 'eurofxref', 'fxref' )}
Current exchange rates 1 EUR = {$rates.fx.USD|l10n( 'number' )} USD
I'm having trouble inserting this into the correct place, however, in order to update the price. I can change price.tpl and perform multiplications, e.g.:
but this only affects the price that is displayed on the product page. If you click 'add to basket', the 'unmultiplied' price, i.e. $attribute.content.inc_vat_price gets added to the basket. It seems I need to go further back and adjust the price before it gets used within any of the templates or stored in a variables that are used to add prices to the basket. Starting to search the kernel files seemed to be my next option - do you have any other approaches or knowledge of the price components that could help? Thanks, Steve.