Forums / Developer / Bug list is growing
Tony Wood
Tuesday 14 October 2003 12:48:29 am
I have just been looking through bug list and it appears to be growing.
Is it possible for someone to spend a dayor two going through the bug and weeding out ones that need to be fixed and ones that are setup errors etc.
The problem is that if they are not looked at and reviewed/fixed then people will start to stop reporting them.
I know you the eZ crew are busy, but its something that needs to be done. In the end its more rewarding as the community will help more :)
Tony Wood : Vision with Technology Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development Power to the Editor! Free eZ Training : eZ Future Podcast :
Paul Forsyth
Tuesday 14 October 2003 1:46:08 am
We need a filtering mechanism for bugs.
Use bugzilla-like sorting - the bugs are in a database so create some good queries to filter by. It isn't hard.
Marco Zinn
Tuesday 14 October 2003 7:51:11 am
I think, ezPublish itself is flexible enough to "build" a usable bug-list (-> don't change to mozilla). I agree, that - someone needs to go through the open bug reports and close them or comment or priorize them - we need some more views on the bug reports (ie: "open bugs only") - We need some confirmation system for existing bugs (that is: count the "I agree", "here, too", "yes!" comments). So, one could see, which report is actually confirmed by others.Do we already have notification here now? ;)
Tuesday 14 October 2003 8:00:09 am
I wasn't suggesting move to bugzilla, only adopt some of its very usable features.
Bård Farstad
Wednesday 15 October 2003 2:24:48 am
we will add more views to the buglist. To do this we should add a new feature for having user defined variables which are accessible in the template. That way we could check for a flag in the template and do filtering based on this.
We will come up with a suggestion for this in the suggestions forum soon.
As I see it we would need: notifications and filtering to make the bugsystem really usable.
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