Forums / Developer / Cache-block and dynamic pages
Olav Bringedal
Wednesday 14 September 2005 3:54:36 am
Im trying to get better caching of the site im building.
I figured that wrapping {$module_result.content} with {cache-block keys=$uri_string} in pagelayout.tpl was a great way. That was until I realized that this would not take offset of folder teplates into account. So i made it {cache-block keys=array($uri_string, $view_parameters.offset}, which worked reasonably well.
However problem is that it caches things like basket, custom modules, user profile so it becomes pretty useless on my site.
Can anyone offer any experiences with this kind of caching?, and if there is a way to override it for certain classes/nodes/urls?
Senior Consultant
Wednesday 14 September 2005 4:51:38 am
Ugly, but this seems to work :)
{section show=$module_result.uri|eq('/news/shop/basket')} {$module_result.content} {section-else} {cache-block keys=array($uri_string, $view_parameters.offset)} {$module_result.content} {/cache-block} {/section}
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs