Thursday 02 September 2004 7:20:53 pm
Hello coders, I am currently coding something that will archive the sharing of eZContentobjects over databases (serializing/unserializing). I have one central db (content provider) and x amount of content receivers. I am in the need of a value/constant that does not change when crossing borders. At current point I wrote a new package handler, but I have problems with the concept of the remote_id.
Gurudutt Verma told me this:
The field remote_id/remoteID is never used in eZpublish. It is used while moving data from one database to another database. Also remote_id is generated by "md5( (string)mt_rand() . (string)mktime() )" so it depends on time. ---------------- If the remote_id would have a constant value for each object it would be perfect. But I noticed the following with my installaion when I transfer one object.
Step 1: created object in DB 1 with remote_id 4d311bd3122b02489a83e89d89cec058
Step 2: serializing object in an package package info holds a new remote_id 4d5cd1bc69e1831c05a7f90ffec0164a
Step 3: unserializing and and storeing the data in db2 with remote_id 4d5cd1bc69e1831c05a7f90ffec0164a My problem is now that the id changed. Is this on purpose? Is the remote_id to be meant to never change once created? Is there anybody that can give me hints?
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