Forums / Developer / Collected information
Thursday 20 December 2007 5:45:48 am
Hi all,
Is there a way to display collected information in front end ? I've look for in forum, documentation but found nothing which allow me to do that.Thanks for help.
Piotrek KaraĆ
Thursday 20 December 2007 10:55:27 am
Hi there,
Won't the following operators do the trick: - collected_info_collection, - collected_info_count,- collected_info_count_list ?
Hope this is it,Piotrek
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Richard Lundberg
Tuesday 07 July 2009 2:48:41 pm
A bit delayed, but useful for anyone reading this thread in the future.
I simply copied the infocollector folder and all its templates from design/admin/templates to design/standard/templates
I then edited collectionlist.tpl and view.tpl to remove the ability to delete collections.
I then edited the roles to allow a user group to have read access to the infocollector module.
You can then create a link somehwere either in pagelayout.tpl, or a node template to /eng/infocollector/overview (replacing eng with the relevent siteaccess if appropriate.)
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