Forums / Developer / content.ini not overriding/adding settings after up to 4.1?

content.ini not overriding/adding settings after up to 4.1?

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Denitsa M.

Thursday 18 June 2009 9:19:51 am


we have the very strange problem after starting work with ezp 4.1, related to setting files, and there is no obvious reasons for this to occur. <b>Settings file content.ini does display a problem when i want to override settings either from siteaccess content.ini or from any extension settings folder.</b> For example, the system recognizes all the modules from active extensions, but if any extension has datatype in itself, then this datatype is not registered - the [DataTypeSettings] block contains only the standard datatypes that are listed in <eZProot>/settings/ folder and comes originally from the installation. All the blocks from extension datatypes that SHOULD BE APPENDED to this original list, are simply not considered by the system, as if the content.ini files are not present in extensions. So, i can see modules for ezvideoflv, recaptcha, starrating, etc., etc., any extension with datatype you can think of, but datatypes are not available for usage - they simply do not go into the $GLOBALS var, and are not listed into the attribute datatype drop down when i create/edit classes.

I get registered datatypes only when i put [DataTypeSettings] block in <eZProot>/settings/override/content.ini[.append.php] and list all extensions and the datatypes from them accordingly in ExtensionDirectories[] and AvailableDataTypes[] option arrays.

The same problem is when i try to override any variable originated in <eZProot>/settings/content.ini for a given siteaccess, like in <eZProot>/settings/<any_siteaccess>/content.ini[.append.php]. The system takes the original value. If i put a new block with new values missing in original content.ini, the system says there are no such blocks and variables - it simply does not search <eZProot>/settings/<any_siteaccess>/content.ini[.append.php] , it searches only override content.ini and the original content.ini file. So, in short, i have the problem of system does not take any override commands except coming from <eZProot>/settings/content.ini or <eZProot>/settings/override/content.ini[.append.php]. If i call for setting that is present in <eZProot>/settings/<any_siteaccess>/content.ini[.append.php] but is not in these two, then i get error for missing setting.

The more interesting is, when i use ezini() operator in template to return the AvailableDataTypes[] array from content.ini, i see only the original content.ini list returned. And when i use administration to check the settings, i can see the correct listing of <b>all</b> AvailableDataTypes[] values merged in a single array - from original content.ini, from override content.ini, from siteaccess content.ini and from all extensions content.ini files.

At first, when i haven't studied the problem, i thought this should be something with ezc, because with coming of 4.1, we decided to go from ezc as originally released to ezc integrated in php pear. But our projects yet in 4.0 DO WORK fine with ezc pear variant. So the problem shouldn't be there.

This is frustrating me a lot, since what i described <b>is only happening with content.ini and all other setting files and the entire overriding system are working perfectly</b> as they always have .....

Please, if anyone has an idea, or had the same or similar problem, any help will be more than appreciated!


Iguana IT -

André R.

Tuesday 23 June 2009 2:13:13 am

Its impossible to say without looking at the install, my guess is that the ExtensionDirectories setting is cleared by some ini file ( a "ExtensionDirectories[]" line ).

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