Thursday 13 January 2011 3:44:15 am
Sorry in your case its the fromString() method. When you want to update a ezpublish object in php you use the ezp API. There is a very handy method called fromString() that take different argument syntax depending on the attribute datatype you are updating. This method support majors ezpublish built-in datatype including "object relations". Here is a code i use to loop attributes and update the object with a given data argument :
function update ($contentObjectID, $arrayDatas) {
// Fetch object to update
$contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch($contentObjectID);
// Get last version of the object
$version = $contentObject->version($contentObject->attribute('current_version'));
// Get all the object attributes
$contentObjectAttributes = $version->contentObjectAttributes();
// Loop all attributes of the object's class
foreach(array_keys($contentObjectAttributes) as $key)
// Identify each attribute name
$contentObjectAttribute = $contentObjectAttributes[$key];
$contentClassAttribute = $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute();
$attributeIdentifier = $contentClassAttribute->attribute("identifier");
// Get the value of the attribute
$value_old = $contentObjectAttribute->toString();
// Get the value of the field from function argument
$value_new = array_key_exists($attributeIdentifier, $arrayDatas) ? $arrayDatas[$attributeIdentifier] : '';
// Update if value old and new are not empty & are different from each other
if (($value_old == '' || $value_old == '|') && $value_new != '') && ($value_old != $value_new))
return $contentObjectID;
} Returning on your case argument could be : $contentObjectID : the one you want to update $arrayDatas in this form : array('my_object_relations_attribute_identifier' => '62,28,58,20') Those values are objects ids of the object you want to relate to your attribute. This should work.
EZP is Great