Monday 02 June 2008 1:13:54 am
I agree with the other comments, it all depends on the data you need to change without affecting the version, but without versioning there could be some pitfalls. I have my own extension that allows editing selected attributes of the current version without affecting the version, that allows me to change the status of an object attribute without entering /content/edit. I have been using this for a number of content classes that usually have only one modifier or owner. This is handy if you are trying to give certain users the ability to modify their own content quickly and without slowing them down by forcing them to create a new version every time they need to change attribute_a value from 1 to 0 or visa versa. I do however limit the use to one user if I can help it, if you're talking about allowing multiple users to manipulate one attribute you could run into issues where 2 people are editing the same object at the same time which will either cause an error on publish or wipe out the change made to the single attribute by one of the users by forcing it back a version. I'm currently setting up a ticket system that enables admin's to change the status of a ticket in one click (open/closed), so this will be a good field test of the single attribute edit extension. My guess is that there will be the odd occasion where 2 people will try to change the same attribute of the same object at the same time. I'm yet to figure out a way to circumvent this exact scenario short of using full blown versioning? All of that said I am currently running this ability on a production site and so far (3 years) I haven't encountered an issue though I have limited its use to the owner of the object so its practically impossible to have 2 people editing it at the same time. Once I have figured out the best way to allow multiple users to edit synchronously (with and without AJAX) I'll release the extension to public, but first I want to make sure its 100% stable and reliable. As for your issue I'd say it really is a matter of the content that you need to edit and weigh up the likelihood of multiple users editing synchronously, if that's very low allow it if its high you might be better off forcing full version editing? I hope that helps, probably not exatly what you were after though?
Cheers Nathan.
Pardon me while I burst into flames...