Forums / Developer / error, debug and warnig.log are always cleared
Sébastien Morel
Sunday 22 March 2009 7:38:46 am
I have a strange behaviour with my ez 4.1, My log files is always cleared. I can have the errors by one tested url each time...
Is it new and normal with 4.1 ? I read the changelog and nothing appears about this.
Someone have an idea ?
-- eZ c'est plus fort que toi ! @Novactive (
Sunday 22 March 2009 8:42:41 am
After several verifications and particulary in ezdebug class.
There isn't errors, the bug come from the configuration of the virtual machine( with a mount on windows (vboxfs) ).....
I don't understand but fopen ($handler,'a') don't put the pointer a the end of the file.....
In production environnement everything is ok and if I copy the mounted folder in another location in the VM everything is ok.
My conclusion, do not use Vboxfs !
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs