Forums / Developer / EZ Backup
Marko Žmak
Thursday 14 October 2004 9:33:37 am
I found some fetaures that I need missing in the contributed script. So if the athor of the script would be so kind to contact me to discuss about imlementing that features.
-- Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it! Hubert Farnsworth
Norman Leutner
Sunday 17 October 2004 11:33:06 pm
Under unix I would recommend to do this by cronjob.
I`ve written a at job under windows to dump the whole database very night. Filename=date&time.sql So you can restore the DB by day / time.(don`t forget to backup the storage dir also)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Best regards Norman Leutner ____________________________________________________________ eZ Publish Platinum Partner -
Tuesday 19 October 2004 8:03:29 am
I'm already using the backup script at:
It works fine for me, execpt for few adjustments. So I would like to contatct the author if he is willing to update the script whit this adjustments which I think would be usefull to other users.
Wednesday 20 October 2004 12:27:46 am
I'm using a identic script, just for windows.
If anyone is interested in, feel free to contact me by mail.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs