Forums / Developer / eZ questions, problems with pdf template

eZ questions, problems with pdf template

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Clemens T

Wednesday 16 November 2005 11:43:32 am

Heya all,

I've got some problems generating a good PDF template. One of them is, including an image:

I got the following:

{pdf( 'image', hash( 'src', /extension/myextension/design/plain/images/mylogo.gif',
                     'width', 200,
                     'height', 200,
                     'align', 'right' ) )}

And now I get the following problem:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imageinit
() in /opt/guide/ on line 1290
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

How is this possible?
Am I missing something? Thanks.

Ok apart from that problem, I even got problems just printing attributes:

I got the $node filled with the node ready to print (default pdf template behaviour). How can I show the contents of the several attributes. Even when it's a dropdown box or something -> attribute_view_gui is empty on the dropdown boxes (selection), but I need to print the choosen value!

And can someone just give me a quick insite on pdf template creation (the basics)... Cause it seems like ezpublish is screwing up everytime I think I got it (maybe I'm doing something basic wrong)....


ps: and some general pointers on pdf template overrides are always welcome! thanks a bunch!!