Forums / Developer / EZOE 4.4 - page listing fails when embeding lists more than 20

EZOE 4.4 - page listing fails when embeding lists more than 20

Author Message

Torbjørn L.

Tuesday 14 June 2011 4:26:59 am

I have a folder with more than 29 articles in it, and I want to embed some articles into my article. 

When I press the embed icon and try to browse to the other articles, it skips two articles from page two, and ignores page 3 and up (next link not showing)

If you press back it will once more skip the two first articles from the first ten. Pressing next will leave the area empty with a next arrow that keeps showing nothing.

This has been confirmed on two different installation as soon as the article number goes above  (I'm guessing 20)

Anyone else have experienced this? Any solutions out there? Help?

* edit: I'm using mysql, utf_8_general_ci (phpmyadmin) and innoDB type

** 2. edit: ezoe 4.1 works. 4.4 does not. This is an issue with javascript- and I'm guessing popup_utils.js

Romain Bremaud

Tuesday 14 June 2011 7:57:53 am


It's a bug with ezoe 5.2, visit this link

You should download the 5.3 version.


Romain Bremaud
Les clefs du net

Torbjørn L.

Tuesday 14 June 2011 11:55:38 pm


That link just takes me to two files I can download.

For 5.2.1 - can I just replace the two files in question?

For 5.3 - where can I download the complete extension? edit: Found it. testing 5.3 now


Torbjørn L.

Thursday 16 June 2011 6:55:55 am

ezoe 5.3 has issues with firefox 3.6, you can't embed with it. The whole process halts when you have selected the element.

In chrome it works more or less fine, and ie 9 is ok.


Any ideas where I can get 5.2.1?

Romain Bremaud

Friday 17 June 2011 1:34:54 am


Try to checkout this url   with a svn software.


Romain Bremaud
Les clefs du net