Wednesday 09 February 2011 6:15:22 am
Hello I'm just wondering what this attribute does. I opened the ezcontentclass.php file and there's a block: 'initial_language_id' => array( 'name' => "InitialLanguageID",
'datatype' => 'integer',
'default' => 0,
'required' => true,
'foreign_class' => 'eZContentLanguage',
'foreign_attribute' => 'id',
'multiplicity' => '1..*' ),
Then I opened kernel_schema.sql and there's no foreign key specification there, so I supposed that the control of foreign key attribute values is done by eZPersistentObject class and not by the database. So I created two database tables, without specifying foreign keys attributes, and two classes that extends eZPersistentObject, just to test if the code would give me an error when I tried to store a object that has a value wich I specified defining 'foreign_class' attribute, and code just works, it stores a new table row even if the referenced eZPersistentObject class has no objects with the key I specified for the new object. So what 'foreign_class' does?
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