Forums / Developer / EzPublish with suPHP
Petter Neumann
Wednesday 17 March 2004 4:20:49 am
Hi I I'm running ezpublish 3.3.2 on a hosted server
After my ISP has installed suPHP , it is not possible to acess my admin section, I only get a " Feil / kernel (20) " and
" Modulen ble ikke funnet
Fant ikke den etterspurte modulen corporate_admin.
Mulige grunner for dette er. Modul navnet var ikke skrevet korrekt, prøv å endre på url'en. Modulen eksisterer ikke på dette nettstedet. Nettstedet bruker url'en for sjekking av nettstedstilgang og du skrev ingen, prøv å legge inn ett navn på nettstedstilgangen før modulen i url'en. "Suggestions ?
Friday 19 March 2004 12:30:17 am
Please turn off caching and post the debug output back in the thread
additionally ask your host for the lastest entries in the error log
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Trond Åge Kvalø
Monday 13 September 2004 5:50:03 am
I have the exact same problem here. Has anyone come up with a solution to this?
best regards
Monday 13 September 2004 5:54:06 am
Tell you host to not use suphp.
It is possible to execute the files with the right permissoins by settings a value for User and Group in the vhost. You need the mod_suexec enabled.
That's acutally how we run our webservers.
Monday 13 September 2004 6:41:41 am
<i>> Tell you host to not use suphp.</i>Let's just assume that I, for some mysterious reason, cannot change ISP or make them change their settings, ok.
Do you have any ideas how to work around this problem then?
Thursday 16 September 2004 10:18:02 am
no sorry
Bård Farstad
Thursday 16 September 2004 11:31:13 am
Should we conclude that eZ publish is not compatible with suPHP?
We should get this into the FAQ then.
Osichr Hayez
Friday 29 October 2004 5:00:35 am
I tried to set up ezPublish today, but failed due to suPHP. Is anyone working on a fix for this? Released soon?
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs