Forums / Developer / eZUpgrade manager using SVN

eZUpgrade manager using SVN

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H-Works Agency

Saturday 29 January 2011 4:16:57 am


How do you think it'd be possible to create an ezpublish distribution files, extensions (both official & community) and database structure upgrade manager using SVN ?

SVN would diff files and upgrade necessary distribution files between versions - that seems possible - but would it be able to handle database structure differences ?

Then upgrade script would handle sql datas transformations if needed.

Just a discussion to gather general feeling about this technique.


EZP is Great

Gaetano Giunta

Monday 31 January 2011 1:17:48 am

Using svn to version the ddl scripts that create the database is easy.

The annoying thing is that this is not enough, you still need to create the update scripts by hand (or use some db reverse-engineering tool)

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

H-Works Agency

Wednesday 09 February 2011 12:35:24 am

Uhm i understand.

But how ezpublish structure is different from wordpress or magento which offer a one button upgrade process ? They all work with php classes and a sql database.

EZP is Great