Forums / Developer / Fetch objects having children with a particular attribute
Andrey Astakhov
Monday 23 October 2006 12:14:28 pm
Could you give me an idea on how to fetch in a template a list of objects having children with a particular attribute matching given criteria?
I have got
Parent object 1 ---- Child Object 1 (attribute1 = 'a')---- Child Object 2 (attribute1 = 'c')
Parent object 2 ---- Child Object 3 (attribute1 = 'b')---- Child Object 4 (attribute1 = 'c')
Parent object 3 ---- Child Object 4 (attribute1 = 'b')---- Child Object 5 (attribute1 = 'a')
I need a list of parent objects that have attribute1 = 'a' in child objects.
How can i fetch this objects in my template? Thank you in advance.
Łukasz Serwatka
Tuesday 24 October 2006 12:14:28 am
Use tree fetch with attribute_filter ( ), then in loop display parent names.
{def $nodes=fetch( content, tree, ... )} {foreach $nodes as $node } {$} {/foreach}
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Tuesday 24 October 2006 4:57:09 am
Thank you, Lukasz.From my understanding in this case tree fetch will return child objects matching given criteria but not parent objects. Is it correct?
Tuesday 24 October 2006 5:10:00 am
Yes, that is correct. You can also try with extended attribute filtering but that is more complex way. There is an example in doc.
Tuesday 24 October 2006 5:24:42 am
Extended attribute filter is still difficult for me. I'm trying to do it on template level.
Ok, if it's correct then it is not what i need.
How do you think which approach is better:
1) Get all child objects ($childs) filtered by a criteria attribute1 = 'a' . Then get a list of parent objects for this child objects $childs. Is it possible?
2) Get all parent objects ($parents). Then iterate through $parents getting childs for each item and filtering by criteria attribute1 = 'a'.
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