Forums / Developer / Get current node within an operator
Jérôme Vieilledent
Thursday 26 June 2008 1:57:26 am
I would like to know if it was possible to get the current viewed node in a template operator, such as we do with the $node variable in a template.I guess this variable is registered somewhere and accessible with PHP code but how ?
Thanks by advance
André R.
Thursday 26 June 2008 7:40:38 am
Look in the first parameter in your modify function on the template operator class ( $tpl ).
Example code (if in pagelayout):
if ( $tpl->hasVariable('module_result') ) { $moduleResult = $tpl->variable('module_result'); } if ( $tpl->hasVariable('current_node_id') ) { $currentNodeId = (int) $tpl->variable('current_node_id'); } else if ( isset( $moduleResult['node_id'] ) ) { $currentNodeId = (int) $moduleResult['node_id']; } else if ( isset( $moduleResult['path'][count( $moduleResult['path'] ) - 1]['node_id'] ) ) { $currentNodeId = (int) $moduleResult['path'][count( $moduleResult['path'] ) - 1]['node_id']; }
if in node template just use the $node variable.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Thursday 26 June 2008 7:54:42 am
Thanks André !
So we can access to the current node with this :
Thursday 26 June 2008 7:57:41 am
To print the current node id:
$node = $tpl->variable('node'); print_r( $node->attribute('node_id') );
Thursday 26 June 2008 8:29:33 am
You're right, that's much cleaner :-D
yunxia cai
Tuesday 20 April 2010 7:34:12 pm
I have a question.
first:I define the {def $current_node= fetch( content, node, hash( node_id, $current_node_id ) ) }
then if the class is not folder ,I need define the $current_node
if I define again {def $current_node= fetch( 'conten't, 'list', hash( 'parent_node_id', $node.parent_node_id ) ) }
and ,the $current.node.module_result.content_info.object_id is right?
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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