Forums / Developer / How to disable caching of left menu?
Vytautas Germanavičius
Friday 25 February 2005 11:30:44 am
I have menu
{cache-block keys=$uri_string} {menu name=LeftMenu} {/cache-block}
It shows 3 folders for anonymous users and additional 3 accesible only for registered users. To test it, I logged in, clicked on first menu item, then i logged out. But after logout i still have 6 menu items in menu.(this is bug) beeg anonymous i clicked on second menu item, then menu changed and only 3 menu items left (this is ok). I clicked on 3rd menu item - menu has 3 menu items(this is ok). Then i clicked on first menu item - and i got 6 menu items again (this is bug).
It seems, problem is with cashing... Anyone has idea how to solve it?
{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}
Sascha Frinken
Friday 25 February 2005 2:12:18 pm
In your case you nee to get the user id into the cache key...
{cache-block keys=array($uri_string,$current_user.contentobject_id)} {menu name=LeftMenu} {/cache-block}
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