Forums / Developer / How to format collected info email?
Noicokuna Niemoge
Tuesday 24 March 2009 12:54:36 am
I'd like to add spaces (new lines between fields) to collected information email message, to make it look better. I found the template, just I don't know how to do this.
{set-block scope=root variable=subject}{"Feedback from %1"|i18n("design/ezwebin/collectedinfomail/feedback",,array($|wash))}{/set-block} {if and( is_set( $object.data_map.recipient ), $object.data_map.recipient.has_content )} {set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{$object.data_map.recipient.content}{/set-block} {/if} {* Set this to redirect to another node {set-block scope=root variable=redirect_to_node_id}2{/set-block} *} {"The following feedback was collected"|i18n("design/ezwebin/collectedinfomail/feedback")}: {foreach $collection.attributes as $attribute} {$attribute.contentclass_attribute_name|wash()}: {attribute_result_gui view=info attribute=$attribute} {/foreach}
I presume I have to put something just after "foreach", but I don't know how to put there "<br />" (next line).
Shiki soku ze ku...
Ivo Lukac
Tuesday 24 March 2009 1:28:23 am
Just put an enter.
<br> is html tag and this email template is rendered into plain text
Norman Leutner
Tuesday 24 March 2009 4:41:50 am
You can set the output format for all outgoing emails to html within the site.ini.append.php.So you may use html within you mail templates.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Best regards Norman Leutner ____________________________________________________________ eZ Publish Platinum Partner -
Tuesday 24 March 2009 7:59:15 am
Thanks for answers, I wasn't sure about that one. :)
Nice avatar, Mr Leutner :P
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