Forums / Developer / How to Override modules pagelayout
Pierre Tissot
Monday 30 July 2007 7:31:34 am
I have a site that need to present the shop and advance search with a different looks (each one with their own layout) than the default pagelayout.
Since they are modules and not nodes or classes I don't know how to make it. I try two approaches:
- I try the layout/set/(mypage_layout) but all the futher links of this pagelayout built with ezurl are reflecting the /layout/set/(mypage_layout).
- I check the sections match criteria, but we cannot associate a section to a module, so I don't have idea of how I can use this.
Are they other strategies? because none of those ones are suitable for me?
Bruce Morrison
Monday 30 July 2007 5:00:00 pm
Hi Pierre
I've had a look at the source for content/advancedsearch (kernel/content/advancedsearch.php) and it appears that you will only beable to override based on the section.
if ( $searchSectionID != -1 ) { include_once( 'kernel/common/eztemplatedesignresource.php' ); $res =& eZTemplateDesignResource::instance(); $res->setKeys( array( array( 'section', $searchSectionID ) ) ); }
It appears that $searchSectionID can be set in the search form. I'm unsure if this effects the actual search.
You can check out the shop module views looking for the "$res =& eZTemplateDesignResource::instance();" settings and see what keys are set. It is these that the override systems checks against the match conditions.
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Thiago Campos Viana
Wednesday 01 August 2007 5:53:35 pm
working around you can write in the pagelayout.tpl:
{if $module_result.uri|contains("advancedsearch")} <!-- code for the advanced search layout --> {elseif $module_result.uri|contains("shop")} <!-- code for the shop layout --> {else} <!-- code for the site layout -->{/if}
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Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs