Forums / Developer / how to prevent a user from creating more than one object from the same class
Francisca Hernandez
Wednesday 23 April 2003 12:47:55 pm
we build a set of user preferences. for this purpose we create different classes. the user should be able to create only one object per class. now we need to find a way to prevent this user from creating more objects from the same class. we think that a solution could be to add a trigger associated with the event create (NewButton post action) that ckecks for the availability of an object of the current class owned by the user in question. the cons we see with this solution are that we are not extending ezp but changing the original code. is this the best/only solution? what about other possible/better solution? thanks in advance for any help!fran :-)
Thursday 24 April 2003 4:24:54 am
this is not exactly what you weher looking for. But works. This template code links to one object of the user if he has one. Other wise it creates a new one
{*USER PROFILE*} {section name=Child loop=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,236,class_filter_array,array(36)))} {switch name=Space match=$} {case match=$current_user.contentobject_id} {set-block name=SP scope=global variable=text} <div class="small"><nobr><a href="{concat("/dowire/content/edit/",$Child:item.contentobject_id))|ezurl}"><font color="#000000">Edit Profile</a></nobr></div> {/set-block} {/case} {case}{/case} {/switch} {/section} {section show=is_set($SP:text)}{$SP:text}{section-else} <form name="profile" action={"/content/action/"|ezurl} method="post" /><input type="hidden" name="NodeID" value="236" /><input type="hidden" name="ClassID" value="36"><input type="hidden" name="NewButton" value="New" /></form> <div class="small"><nobr><a href="#" onClick="window.document.profile.submit();"><font color="#000000">New Profile</a></nobr></div> {/section}{*USER PROFILE END*}
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