Forums / Developer / howto? update user settings
John Moritz
Saturday 11 July 2009 5:08:18 am
I have added some attributes to the user class. One is a Date atribute which will represent the users birthday, one is a field for the user gender and many more.
I imported users in ezpublish from an existing community, but with missing those attributes which still exist in my old sql table "members".
Now i need a little script where i can update all ezpublish users.
I added the contentobject_id to my "members" table in sql.So i know how to make the loop, i still dont know how i can update the userattributes on ezpublish. So i only need this short snippet, pls.
Max Keil
Saturday 11 July 2009 2:34:32 pm
Hi John,
you may searching for something like this?
//get the Object $object = eZContentObject::fetch( your id ); //get the data map from this object $dataMap = $object->attribute('data_map'); //set attribute "birthday" $dataMap['birthday']->setAttribute( "data_int", $ts ); //store attribute "birthday"! $dataMap['birthday']->store(); //store the object! $object->store(); //clear the view cache for this object eZContentCacheManager::clearObjectViewCache( $object->attribute('id') );
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Best regards Max Keil ____________________________________________________________ eZ Publish Gold Partner -
Monday 13 July 2009 3:08:10 pm
Thanks Max, this works great!
Can i save this as a new Version for the Object? As far as i can see, this will update the userobject without generating a new version.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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