Monday 18 July 2005 2:48:30 am
thanks for the hint. Unfortunately the link that looks most promising fails. But i detected why my $class_instance=eZContentClass::fetch(29);
didn't work. Deep in the code a ezDB object is created. But this object is created with the db name "nextgen" defined in site.ini. No idea why it is defined there? Correcting to my dbname it worked. Is this a bug? Also defined in site.ini is the language. But this language doesn't correspond to the language i selected during my installation. setting to my default language ger-DE further things worked. But now i get an error like this: PHP Notice: Undefined index: eZCurrentAccess in C:\Programme\Apache Group\Apac
he\htdocs\ez\lib\ezutils\classes\ezsession.php on line 210
the corresponding code line looks like this $access = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'];
Where are that $GLOBALS defined? greg