Wednesday 25 June 2008 6:50:57 pm
Thank you a lot Piotrek! Sorry for me to be in panic. As you said, the options are custom module, custom datatypes or a complex datatype including all fields. I'll think about which way I'll be heading to implement this form. Btw, about what you said here: <i>Also, whether you want the form to create objects or simply store/send data makes a difference. </i> What I'm trying to implement is a promotion drawing form. There is a "name", an "address", an "e-mail" and a question that must be answered by the internaut (drop down with options). The validation should be done over this question. Because it's a promotion drawing, we can not let the internaut choose a wrong answer in the drop down list. Another validation should occur in the e-mail attribute. We can not let duplicate participation, and this should be done by checking if the e-mail is already registered. And of course, we want this information to be stored as collection itens in the back end of the site. This is very important for us. The question/answer validation I could do with Javascript. It's not trustable, but is sufficient in this particular case. But because this is a mobile phone website, and most mobile phones doesn't support Javascript (I'm in Japan and devices support for Javascript here are even worst), I can not use it.
Thank you again Michael Scofield