Forums / Developer / Ini files, using them in my extension?
Clemens T
Tuesday 08 November 2005 3:40:44 am
Heya all,I'd like to know how to use ini files throughout my extension.. in the templates as well as in the code. Right now we have an extension that is heavily depending on the id's in the contenttree.
I'd like to set these id's in an ini file, but really unsure on how to handle this, and what the best way is.
Ćukasz Serwatka
Tuesday 08 November 2005 3:54:47 am
Hi Clemens,
You can just place INI file in extension/your_extension/settings/ directory, and read it via ezini( section, variable [, ini file] ) in your tpl or eZINI::instance('your_ini_file.ini'); in PHP.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Tuesday 08 November 2005 8:17:40 am
wow. ez :)thanks
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