Forums / Developer / Is there an ez way to display the output of error templates?

Is there an ez way to display the output of error templates?

Author Message

Steven E. Bailey

Wednesday 09 February 2011 2:18:05 am

I'm trying to test the newly designed error documents and there doesn't seem to be an easy way of displaying the output... (except the module not found/view not found, etc.)

I know I can pretty easily write something to generate errors but does it already exist? Or, am I not thinking of something like a layout/set/error/<number>?

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Ahmed Arous

Wednesday 09 February 2011 2:58:25 am


Try adding this :




to your settings/override/site.ini.appaend.php

it will generate a popup displaying the errors and worning of the current template every time you load a page.

Steven E. Bailey

Wednesday 09 February 2011 5:57:29 am

Thanks, but that's not what I mean.

What I mean is that I want an easy way to see the templates that I'm overriding:

templates/error/kernel/<error number>.tpl

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Marko Žmak

Friday 11 February 2011 8:48:51 am

Steven, I believe this INI settings is what you are looking for:

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Steven E. Bailey

Friday 11 February 2011 12:14:29 pm

No, I didn't want the list of used templates. What I meant is something that would display the output of the error templates - a way of generating a fake error condition.

What I did was write a one module, one view extension that just passes the error number to the error handler - I was just hoping that there was some easy way of doing this, I mean, I'm sure I'm not the first person who ever wanted to test error templates.


# The following error codes for kernel is currently defined
# 1  - Access denied
# 2  - Object not found
# 3  - Object not available
# 20 - Module not found
# 21 - Module view not found
# 22 - Module or view disabled
# 50 - No DB connection

$Module  = $Params['Module'];
$errorId = $Params['errorId'];
return $Module->handleError( $errorId );


Edit - (D'oh) there is an easy way, all I needed to do was go to:

error/view/kernel/<error number>

error/view/shop/<error number>

Certified eZPublish developer

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Marko Žmak

Sunday 13 February 2011 4:49:24 am

Steven, if you have used the ini settings I mentioned I believe you could have found your solution in less than a minute.

By enabling "ShowUsedTemplates" (together with enabling DebugOutput) you would get at the bottom of the page a list of templates that are used to render your view, right?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth