Forums / Developer / Long path to uploaded image (more 256 chars)
Stan Cheredov
Tuesday 05 December 2006 5:32:52 am
I ran ez under Windows. This OS cannot create path to file more 256 chars. ( MAX_PATH = 260). When i upload image, path to it is - http://some-site/var/plain_site/storage/images/produkciya/kombinirovannye_materialy_na_osnove_plenok_i_alyuminievoj_fol_gi_polifleny/kombinirovannye_materialy_na_osnove_plenok_i_alyuminievoj_fol_gi_polifleny/275-3-rus-RU/kombinirovannye_materialy_na_osnove_plenok_i_alyuminievoj_fol_gi_polifleny_medium.jpg and OS cannot create image, becouse the path is very long! Can i setup ez to create small path to image ? For example by page id... http://some-site/var/plain_site/storage/images/237/275-3-rus-RU/ where 237 is object id.
I think that very long file name is a bug ....
Piotr Switkowski
Wednesday 06 December 2006 3:23:20 pm
The length of file path or directory/file name is problem not only under Windows. I have similar problem under Unix. So please ezPublish crew develop solution to this. Maybe using hash instead of full path to image?
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