Forums / Developer / maincontent hieght
Anthony Kress
Thursday 31 March 2005 11:04:19 am
I probably did not explain myself well on this before. I have a special shadowed bitmap that I want to use around the maincontent.result. As the page is drawn, I need to deterime somehow the actual dynamic height of the maincontent section so I can create my bitmaps (top, left, right, and bottom) to the proper size and absolute position them on the page. I need to access a variable that lets me derive the height of the content.
Thanks for the help
Ćukasz Serwatka
Thursday 31 March 2005 11:30:07 pm
Look in todesign/base/stylesheets/site.css
Set your height and overflow for main content
div#maincontent { hight: 600px; overflow: auto; }
Otherwise you will have to catch main content div height by JS.
I hope it will help a little.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs