Forums / Developer / New extension - problem with the admin menu
Fabien Mas
Wednesday 07 February 2007 5:57:14 am
Hi,I have created a new extension named imposcope and I can't have a left menu in the admin( the top one is ok)
so why, that is the question... what have I done :
+ a new file : extension\imposcope\design\admin\templates\parts\imposcope\menu.tpl+ a new file : extension\imposcope\settings\menu.ini.append.php
[NavigationPart] Part[imposcope]=imposcope [TopAdminMenu] Tabs[]=imposcope [Topmenu_imposcope] URL[] URL[default]=imposcope/edit URL[browse]=imposcope/edit NavigationPartIdentifier=imposcope Name=ImpoScope Tooltip=GĂ©rer les informations de l'ImpoScope. Enabled[] Enabled[default]=false Enabled[browse]=false Enabled[edit]=false Shown[] Shown[default]=true Shown[navigation]=true Shown[browse]=true
any idea ?
Thx, fabien
Kristof Coomans
Wednesday 07 February 2007 6:18:41 am
Hi Fabien
You should specify which left menu to use in the module/view result array:
$Result=array(); $Result['content'] = ... $Result['path'] = ... $Result['left_menu'] = 'design:parts/imposcope/menu.tpl';
independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |
Wednesday 07 February 2007 6:35:57 am
so I tried to add your line but it doesn't workI have also tried this :
$Result['left_menu'] = & $tpl->fetch('design:parts/imposcope/menu.tpl');
with the same result ...
Another thing , in the module.php, I have added the 'default_navigation_part' item :
$ViewList['edit'] = array( 'script' => 'edit.php', 'default_navigation_part' => 'imposcopeHaut', 'unordered_params' => array () );
Wednesday 07 February 2007 6:47:08 am
Do you get another menu at the left, or just no menu?
Did you clear the template override cache after adding extension\imposcope\design\admin\templates\parts\imposcope\menu.tpl ?
Wednesday 07 February 2007 6:56:42 am
All the caches have been cleared..
I have no menu. if I delete the 'default_navigation_part' line in the module.php file, I have the default menu.either nothing
Wednesday 07 February 2007 6:59:00 am
Which version of eZ publish are you using? I forgot asking that. Custom left menu's are only picked up since eZ 3.8.
Wednesday 07 February 2007 7:03:52 am
we use the 3.8.4 version ...
Wednesday 07 February 2007 7:18:10 am
I try to put a flag in the <b>www\design\admin\templates\pagelayout.tpl </b>but nothing appears
It's not this template which is used to render the admin pages ?
thx, Fabien
Wednesday 07 February 2007 7:34:44 am
I've got it, my pagelayout.tpl has been overrided in another extension, and this paragraph
{section show=is_set( $module_result.left_menu )} {include uri=$module_result.left_menu} {/section}
had been deleted ...thank you for your help, it really helped me to understand a part of ezpublish ... a lot to do now :)
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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