Forums / Developer / Nonbreaking spaces
Kévin S.
Wednesday 18 August 2010 2:31:35 am
Hello !
I think everybody has ever had the problem of the question mark that goes down on the next line, all alone...
I did not see any solution to this problem in eZ Publish, though. Is there a way to add automatically nonbreaking spaces in an ezxml block, for instance ?
Or maybe someone has found another way to stop the questions mark from going on the next line ?
Thank you !
Wednesday 18 August 2010 2:46:57 am
I've just found the solution of the problem : in the ezxml editor just use shift+space to create a nonbreaking space. The code used when the editor is desactivated is " ".
Some issues have also been made for that :, I should have begun to search there !
Nicolas Pastorino
Wednesday 18 August 2010 3:15:22 am
Hi Kevin !
Small note : don't hesitate to add a comment to the issues you found, giving more information on the issue based on your findings. Generally, this is a good practice, on any issue you may encounter.
-- Nicolas Pastorino Director Community - eZ Member of the Community Project Board eZ Publish Community on twitter: t : G+ :
Friday 20 August 2010 2:03:48 am
OK Nicolas, I'll add some comments to the issues :)
Lo' F.
Friday 27 August 2010 6:01:23 am
...Speaking of nonbreaking spaces, in a situation like this...
{foreach $news as $new} <li><a href={$new.url|ezurl}>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$new.object.data_map.intro}>>></a></li> {/foreach}
...on screen, it comes like this...
- Porttitor magna, at vehicula pede dui id enim >>>
how can I make it come in the same line, like this?..
Tuesday 07 September 2010 1:54:26 pm
Well, regarding what I said here above.. I figured out that it is not an eZ issue (..though I was looking for some template operators!)
The intro attributes here contain a paragraph <p>text</p> and by adding those >s after it, they break to a new line.
Just fixed the thing through css: .. p {display:inline};
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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