Forums / Developer / OASIS extension and default import class

OASIS extension and default import class

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J-A Eberhard

Monday 04 December 2006 11:51:40 pm

The OASIS (ezodf) have a setting to specify the default class for import in odf.ini

# Default class for import

I want to use the OASIS import for different type of objects, articles, products, ....
How could I have:
- The possibility for the user to choose the type of object he want his Open Office document to be
- The ability of eZ publish to override this settings according to the node / subtree of the import?


Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

Daniele P.

Wednesday 06 December 2006 6:07:31 am

Look at odf.ini. You could define different classes.
The match is done looking at document sections name. In OpenOffice use Insert -> Section and create a template for yor class. AFAIK there is no such option in Mircosoft Word so all Word documents are imported using the default class.

Felipe Jaramillo

Monday 16 July 2007 10:51:44 pm

Hello all,

I have been looking at something similar to what is mentioned in this post.

After looking at modules/ezdf/ezooimport.php file it seems that the odf -> eZ class matching is done by trying to match the document's seaction names to attribute names in the available declared classes.

Therefore, if I understand correctly, <i>classes need to have a unique attribute/identifier combinations</i>, to avoid being mistakenly mapped to another class.

I guess it would be useful to have a different way of identifying classes, like prepending the class to the filename (eg. article_nameofarticle.odf and publication_nameofpublication.ofg) even if both classes contain the same attributes and have the same identifiers.

Another need for better matching would be to have pre-filled content objects which contain datatypes not currently supported by the extension.

Could anyone confirm this?



Felipe Jaramillo
eZ Certified Extension Developer | Bogotá, Colombia