Forums / Developer / Object relation list - duplication error....

Object relation list - duplication error....

Author Message

Nicklas Lundgren

Monday 29 November 2004 2:43:00 am

Hi folks,

Has anyone of you ever experienced that the objects in the "Object relation list" are multiplying?
Everytime I choose to edit an article, the objects are multiplied, resulting in a VERY long object relation list....

If anyone has a clue about whats causing this, I would appreciate a suggestion.

I am using 3.42 7264.

Kind regards,
Nicklas Lundgren

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 29 November 2004 2:57:50 am

Hi Nicklas,

Are you using v. 3.4.3? If so, it might be related to this bug:


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 01 December 2004 12:40:52 pm

The enhanced object relation attribute might do what you need (choose list with checkbox) and doesn't have the problem you mention (as far as I'm aware).