Forums / Developer / OE strange problem pasting OO text

OE strange problem pasting OO text

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Jean-Luc Chassaing

Monday 31 January 2011 7:17:08 am


I've got a strange problem with ezoe.

I'm running ez4.4 with ezoe 5.2

When I paste some OO text into a ezoe field, the first line displays some thing like :

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000167 EndHTML:0000000883 StartFragment:0000000454 EndFragment:0000000867

Any clue ?!

Jean-Luc Chassaing

Tuesday 01 February 2011 7:15:22 am


So I'll make the answer my self.

In fact this trouble is related to the TinyMCE 3.3.9 release used in ezOE 5.2.

The problem is fixed in the 3.4 release of TinyMCE.

What can be done is to change the javascript sources of TinyMCE in ezoe/design/standard/javascript

But that's not a really cool way to do things...

Hope this will be dealt with in a next ezoe release.