Thursday 15 July 2010 9:22:20 am
The thing is, there are many "good" solutions for this. I'm still fairly new to 'standard' eZ Publish practice, but I have some ideas for you. Unless the templates contain many differences in code (HTML and any other template code) I would suggest using one template and pass different class/id parameters to the template so then you don't really need to clutter your templates with if/else statements and other control structures unless necessary. Then you can control the styles with those CSS classes/id's easily. Otherwise, if the templates contain many differences as well as style, I guess you could use two different design folders to make the separation more clear (albeit with more folders and files spread out, but this allows for scalability if you have more design differences in the website). And yes, you are right -- you can check the parent node id with {$obj.parent.node_id} to see where you're at in the site, given that you only have one level of links otherwise it can get complicated with multiple sub levels in your menu navigation. Good luck and I hope this helps.
Brandon Chambers
Granite Horizon /