Forums / Developer / PhpadsNew Problem
John Smith
Friday 01 April 2005 1:56:12 am
I have installed "phpadsnew" extension in ezpublish 3.5.0.
phpadsnew software is working fine and is also accessible at
But dont know how to integrate or how to write a code for displaying the banner image in the ezpublish site.
Can anybody please help.
Xavier Dutoit
Friday 08 April 2005 11:34:38 am
Have a look at the readme ?
----------------------------------- {let data=phpadsnew( 'keyword', 'html')} {$data.html} {/let} ----------------------------------- Sample 2: ----------------------------------- {default data=phpadsnew($:item.node_id, 'link', $:item.url_alias|ezurl(no))} <a href={$data.ext_url|ezroot}>{$}</a> {include uri="design:phpadsnew/viewcount.tpl" data=$data} {/default} {* The keyword "node2" in phpadsnew is linked to object with node_id 2*} -----------------------------------
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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