Thursday 18 March 2004 5:55:47 pm
I'm currently building an extranet application and am utilising the LDAP authentication. In particular I'm using the option that places an LDAP user in a user group based on a LDAP attribute. I have the following the /override/ldap.ini.append.php file
# LDAP attribute type for user group. Could be name or id
# LDAP attribute for user group. For example, employeetype. If specified, LDAP users
# will be saved under the same group as in LDAP server. LDAPUserGroupAttribute=o where o is the organisation. In eZ Publish I have a User Group called 'Client A' and a Folder called 'Client A". When I login to the system with a user with an organisation of 'Client A' the eZ Publish user is being created under the Client A folder and not the user group. Looking at the code in kernel/classes/datatypes/ezuser/ezldapuser.php I discovered that when LDAPUserGroupAttributeType is set to name all object that match that name are retrieved and the first matching node is used for placement. I want it to use the first matching node of type 'User Group'. The code in question is
if ( $LDAPUserGroupAttributeType == "name" )
$groupName = $info[0][$LDAPUserGroupAttribute][0];
if ( $groupName != null )
$groupQuery = "SELECT ezcontentobject_tree.node_id
FROM ezcontentobject, ezcontentobject_tree
AND"; $groupObject =& $db->arrayQuery( $groupQuery );
if ( count( $groupObject ) > 0 )
$defaultUserPlacement = $groupObject[0]['node_id'];
} } The quick n' dirty solution is add a where clause to the $groupQuery to only return items with a contentclass_id of 3 (User Groups)
$groupQuery = "SELECT ezcontentobject_tree.node_id
FROM ezcontentobject, ezcontentobject_tree
AND AND contentclass_id = 3"; I've never liked hard coding these things so a better solution would be to add an additional ini file variable that defines the content class that will be searched for a match. Does anyone think that there is a need to allow for multiple content class id to be defined?
Thanks Bruce
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