Forums / Developer / Problem creating a forum_reply
Luis Muñoz
Wednesday 16 June 2004 2:48:09 am
In forum_reply.tpl you include edit_attribute.tpl, which makes a call to attribute_edit_gui and generates a textarea. The problem is that the text area is too big and its imposible to fit in the design of my page. Is there any way to create a smaller textarea or custom size textarea? Are there any documentation on how to modify attribute_edit_gui?
Pablo C. Vergara Castro
Friday 18 June 2004 3:11:45 am
Look in:design/standard/templates/content/datatype/edit
Mazin Mustafa
Monday 13 September 2004 2:04:39 pm
Can someone please elaborate more on this topic. I have tried to override the content/edit/ezmatrix.tpl but it doesn't seem to take. Which template is used by the attribute_edit_gui function when a matrix data object is edited?
Eivind Marienborg
Monday 13 September 2004 3:11:18 pm
What I've done to fix this:
1. Create an override for the edit_attribute-template 2. Insert a switch in it, matching on the label of the field you wan't to manipulate. Leave the original template content in the standard case-block 3. Copy the standard template content into the case-block matching your field 4. Change the layout of it, for example by adding/changig CSS-class of the element, or adding a div with a class around it. This gives you the oppurtunity to manipulate the apperance of the field without even touching the template again5. Update your CSS to correspond with the template
Tuesday 14 September 2004 12:46:04 pm
Thank you very much. I managed to override this template and add the case for my specific node. All that worked just like you suggested. I'm still experimenting with the css part. It is not yet clear to me what css is active for the attribute_edit_gui function.
best regards
Tuesday 14 September 2004 1:07:09 pm
That should be pretty easy to find out by examining the code output to your webbrowser. Good luck, glad to help :)
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Module start 'content'
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