Forums / Developer / problems replacing standart module
Anton Shishkin
Sunday 28 March 2004 10:07:22 pm
I wrote extension to replace standart module 'shop'. I have changed file kernel/content/action.php like this:
if ( $http->hasPostVariable( "ActionAddToBasket" ) ) { $shopModule =& eZModule::exists( "sgkshop" ); $result =& $shopModule->run( "basket", array() ); $module->setExitStatus( $shopModule->exitStatus() ); $module->setRedirectURI( $shopModule->redirectURI() ); } else if ( $http->hasPostVariable( "ActionAddToWishList" ) ) { $shopModule =& eZModule::exists( "sgkshop" ); $result =& $shopModule->run( "wishlist", array() ); $module->setExitStatus( $shopModule->exitStatus() ); $module->setRedirectURI( $shopModule->redirectURI() ); }
<i>(I replaced name of standart module 'shop' by my own module's name 'sgkshop')</i>But when I click button 'Add to basket', I'm still redirected to standart module's 'shop' basket. What else needs to be changed to work properly (i.e.redirect me to my module when I click to 'Add to basket' button).
My extension has the same structure as standart module 'shop', just some addons.
Monday 29 March 2004 1:43:00 am
Ok guys, i did it :)))problem is solved
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs