Forums / Developer / Question about unsorted parameters
Fox Mulder
Monday 10 September 2007 12:56:17 am
Hello all,
I want to create a html form which genereate unsorted paramters like url/(category)/value
I have write this <FORM action={concat( $node.url_alias, '/(category)/', ezhttp( 'wanted_category', 'post' ) )|ezurl} method="post"> <select name="wanted_category" > {foreach $category_objects as $category_object } <option value ="{$category_object.contentobject_id}">{$}</option> {/foreach} </select> <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> </FORM>
... but the adres is not properly created. The system generate adres like
so the posted varibales is no added to the address I think the form do this on that way because it can't generate adres with varible which is not still posted (when the form generates the address the post varible is not posted yet) Could you tell me how i can reach my purpose (to generate adress like with html form )
Monday 10 September 2007 1:26:45 am
ezurl will check if the url really exists.
Perhaps you should try something like :
<FORM action="{concat( $node.url_alias|ezurl(no), '/(category)/', ezhttp( 'wanted_category', 'post' ) )}" method="post">
Hope this helps...
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